famillerose 发表于 2020-06-16 19:54
metro3 发表于 2020-06-16 09:46
metro3 发表于 2020-06-16 20:21
metro3 发表于 2020-06-16 20:27
sherryjtx 发表于 2020-06-16 20:29
zzxxddss 发表于 2020-06-16 20:00
看过一个UNIQ 100天 100个问题的采访,一博最遗憾的就是他没有一副好嗓子,他最羡慕大柱子。
§ The meaning of your name?
Yibo: “Yi” as in the number “one”, and “bo” as in learned/well-educated
§ Your birthday?
Yibo: August 5, 1997
§ Your horoscope?
Yibo: Leo
§ Who are your immediate family members?
Yibo: mom, dad, and me
§ Where were you born?
Yibo: Luoyang
§ Your religion?
Yibo: Don’t have one
§ Your motto?
Yibo: Do what you love.
§ The musician you respect the most?
Yibo: Chris Brown, ASAP Rocky
§ The seasons that you like?
Yibo: Fall, Winter
§ TV shows that you like?
Yibo: Happy Camp, CCTV 5 Sports
§ Favorite day of the week?
Yibo: Sunday
§ The TV show you want to be guest on?
Yibo: Dancing 9
§ People you want to invite to the dorm?
Yibo: Parents
§ What’s in your bag right now?
Yibo: Wallet, knitted beanie
§ Colors you like?
Yibo: black, grey, white, red
§ Any sleeping habits?
Yibo: I turn toward the right
§ I’m #1 at…
Yibo: dancing
§ Body part that you’re most confident about?
Yibo: chin
§ Who have you said “I love you” to recently?
Yibo: no one
§ The biggest age difference you’re willing to accept for a potential girlfriend?
Yibo: within 5 years of me
§ Talent/superpower you wish you had?
Yibo: a nice voice
§ What have you been extremely interested in recently?
Yibo: being fashionable
§ Do you really want an accessory/trend item/etc. that another member has?
Yibo: None
§ The part of yourself that you regret most/find most unfortunate?
Yibo: my voice
§ Your ideal type?
Yibo: Miss A Suzy, Taeyeon
§ Video games that you like?
Yibo: League of Legends, Free Style, NBA 2K
§ Favorite music genre?
Yibo: hip hop, pop, R&B
§ Your favorite food?
Yibo: I’m not picky about food, I like everything
§ Do you do anything by habit, without even realizing it?
Yibo: biting my lips
§ After you shower, what’s the first thing you think when you look in the mirror?
Yibo: My gaze is so intense
§ What song do you want UNIQ’s fans to listen to? Why?
Yibo: We Dem Boyz – the melody sounds great, and the beat is addictive
§ If you hadn’t become part of UNIQ, what would you be doing right now?
Yibo: Dancing
§ If the world ended next week, what would you do now?
Yibo: be with my family
§ What do you most want to try this year?
Yibo: produce songs
§ When you see your fans, what do you most want to do?
Yibo: I want to thank the fans for how they’ve supported us
§ Any secrets about your body that other people don’t know about?
Yibo: I don’t have any
§ 10 years from now, what will UNIQ be like?
Yibo: Performing songs that we created
§ What do you most want to hear from other people?
Yibo: “Your dancing is just too powerful, it’s really shaken/moved me!”
§ What kind of animal do you think you’re like?
Yibo: A panther or wolf
§ Besides being a singer, what other careers do you want to try out?
Yibo: Becoming a professional choreographer/dancer
§ If you had a girlfriend, where would you want to take her?
Yibo: Ireland, France
§ What kind of clothing style do you like?
Yibo: Hip hop, casual Western-style suits
§ What’s your favorite place in Seoul?
Yibo: Hongdae
§ In the past, who did you think was the hardest member to get to know?
Yibo: None
§ If you could really time travel and go to any time or place, what time period would you want to go to?
Yibo: August 5, 1997
§ What do you do on your days off?
Yibo: Go shopping, play video games, watch movies
§ If you could use a song to describe yourself, what would you choose?
Yibo: Turn Up the Music
§ The movie or book that was a turning point in your life?
Yibo: None
§ If you switched bodies with another member one day, who would you want to switch with? Why?
Yibo: Sungjoo, he has a nice voice
§ What do you like to drink at coffee shops?
Yibo: Red tea latte
§ What do you absolutely need to have on you when you go out?
Yibo: Laptop, hat
§ What kind of person do you want people to remember you as? What kind of group?
Yibo: An all-around entertainer, a group with both talent/skills and looks
§ If you had the opportunity to write your own songs, what kind of songs would you write?
Yibo: A song that makes people instantly addicted, something with lots of rhythm
§ Fruits that you like?
Yibo: Watermelon, peaches, lychee
§ What kind of man do you think you are? A bad guy? A nice guy?
Yibo: A man among men, a really cool guy
§ To you, what is a UNICORN?
Yibo: Older sisters/noonas
§ Do you like snow or rain?
Yibo: Snow
§ What are the three songs you’ve liked recently?
Yibo: We Dem Boyz by Wiz Khalifa, Downtown by August Alsina, TKO (Black Friday Remix) by Justin Timberlake
§ After you’ve saved up the money, what is the first thing you want to do?
Yibo: Buy clothes
§ When you’ve practiced until late into the night and you’re hungry, what kind of foods or snacks do you guys often eat?
UNIQ: Hamburgers, snacks, energy drinks, fried chicken, pizza
§ Before you sleep at night, what’s the last thing you think about as you lie in bed?
Yibo: I think about what I’ll wear the next day
§ What color do you think the word “love” is?
Yibo: Pink
§ If you had a month to rest, what would you want to do?
Yibo: Go shopping, go home, travel
§ UNIQ members are separated from their parents. When you’re sick, what do you most want to eat?
Yibo: Anything that tastes good
§ When you all eat barbecue together, who is best at barbecuing the meat?
Yibo: I think manager hyung
§ What city do you most want to go to?
Yibo: Dubai
§ What’s the most attractive/distinctive part of your personality?
Yibo: Aloofness/coolness
§ How did you each learn foreign languages?
Yibo: Watching television series a lot and talking a lot
§ What instruments do you play?
Yibo: None
§ If you had the opportunity to act, what kind of role would you want to play?
Yibo: A cool student who can dance
§ Although the trainee period was very difficult, there were probably also happy moments. When were those?
Yibo: It wasn’t so difficult, it was always pretty interesting
§ Say something to the you from 10 years ago, and the you that’s 10 years in the future..
Yibo: 10 years ago – Work hard. 10 years in the future – Keep working hard.
§ Say one or two of the phrases you know that have been trendy lately. [t/n: Translations for all of these will be weird, since they’re trendy Chinese phrases…]
Yibo: Being bored. You?
§ What are the other members to you?
Yibo: Something that I can’t not have, can’t lose
§ What kind of hair color do you want to try out?
Yibo: White, red
§ Your blood types?
Yibo: B
§ What place in the new office do you want to introduce everyone to?
Yibo: Practice room
§ The adjective/phrase that you most want UNIQ to be described with?
Yibo: Handsome UNIQ
§ Chinese food that you like?
Yibo: I like everything
§ What do you do before you sleep?
Yibo: Play on the computer
§ Your happiest recent moment?
Yibo: When I’m practicing, although it’s tiring, I’m very happy
§ When you have phones some time after today, what names will you use to save the numbers of the other members?
Yibo: Xuan hyung – Mama Xuan, Sungjoo – Big Pillar, Wenhan – Man, Seungyeon – 96 LEO
§ How do you deal with stress?
Yibo: Play
§ When you usually go on stage, what will do you right before?
Yibo: We mutually support/cheer each other on
§ What beauty items do you always carry with you?
Yibo: There’s nothing in particular that I always bring
§ What are you most afraid of on a typical day?
Yibo: The dark, insects
§ What do you collect?
Yibo: Hats, shoes
§ Code words that only the other members understand?
Yibo: I don’t think there are any?
§ Out of the 11 “Legendary Practice” videos published, what’s your favorite?
Yibo: The ones with me in them
§ Are all of the members trying to lose weight right now?
Yibo: Not yet
§ Cartoon/comic/anime characters you like?
Yibo: Spiderman
§ What kind of gift do you want to give your parents?
Yibo: A happy, beautiful family
§ What types of dreams do you often have?
Yibo: I haven’t been dreaming much recently, and I can’t remember it clearly anyways
§ Who among the members is the most enlightened?
Yibo: Xuan hyung
§ What can you least tolerate from the other members?
Yibo: Nothing!
§ What are you best at cooking?
Yibo: Nothing…
§ Are there any songs that you really like?
§ Do you have any pets?
Yibo: No
§ What do you do when you can’t fall asleep?
Yibo: Play around on the computer
§ Where will the members spend their 100th day since debut?
UNIQ: In the practice room!
zzxxddss 发表于 2020-06-16 20:38
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