我记得pretty please iTunes都是空降前几名
magnolia_213 发表于 2021-03-26 09:48
worldwide还没出来。pretty please因为有glantis还是不一样,glantis算家喻户晓的知名度了。
我记得pretty please iTunes都是空降前几名
magnolia_213 发表于 2021-03-26 09:48
worldwide还没出来。pretty please因为有glantis还是不一样,glantis算家喻户晓的知名度了。
我觉得可以去楼外安利一下 你觉得呢
感觉路好很多 但是进楼的很少
magnolia_213 发表于 2021-03-26 09:50
位于kansas city的美国电台采访,这个采访感觉干货较多
去查了一下John Legend 是谁,原来tonight就是他的歌。艺术就是世界文化沟通的最好桥梁。
Interview Magazine 采访
"Interview is an American magazine founded in late 1969 by artist Andy Warhol and British journalist John Wilcock. The magazine, nicknamed "The Crystal Ball of Pop", features interviews with celebrities, artists, musicians, and creative thinkers."
"“We’re using modern techniques to shoot our version of an ‘80s/‘90s movie,” the artist shares. An example of this is his decision to film the opening sequence with a race drone, equipment that Wang says is usually used outdoors, but that he chose to capture “the raw camera movement” in the narrow space of the diner’s kitchen. “It’s very raw and edgy, so that it can make people curious like, How did they shoot that? How did it go through fire?”"
“When you’re signed to a very structured K-pop label, they know everything,” Wang says. “Now I have my own company. I’m running it at the same time I am the artist in the label, so I have to monitor everything by myself, and that’s why I am super insecure and sensitive and stressed, but at the same time it becomes a mixture where everything is right and makes sense.”
paper magazine
""This isn''t my first time directing, but I got to explore new methods I never tried before. Like flying a recording drone indoors in a small restaurant set," Wang tells PAPER. "I wanted to create cinematic movements that had a fresh feel to them and that adds to the story I''m trying to tell."
Like the video for his electronic dance-pop hit "Pretty Please," the artist was once again inspired by the Hong Kong films he grew up watching. He explains, "I wanted to continue exploring similar themes, but whereas ''Pretty Please'' is fundamentally a musical, ''LMLY'' focuses on plot and hopefully, leaves the audience thinking."
EsquireUK 采访:
“Instant success is good but it’s dangerous. You won’t have the ability to maintain it because you’re not stable. You learn a lot from failing。 You learn a lot from failing and exploring and building your knowledge. Failure takes you to success.“
““A lot of different obstacles will stop you from achieving,” he says. “It could be a situation, it can be a human, scandals, gossip, people pointing fingers at you trying to mess around with your mentality. If you don't have a strong mindset, they’re the obstacles that will screw you up. Don’t take it in a bad way. I did and I was really hurt but because of that. I learned not to. You can’t be loved by everybody."
““Hatred and racism of any kind is not acceptable. As I always say, I truly believe no one is born hating. Those who have hated must have learned to hate. And if anyone can learn to hate then they can learn to love. The world needs love now more than ever. Please use your voice and I will do my best to use mine. Let's uplift each other and make a change together".
LMLY被加入Apple Music 官方歌单
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