确定要的再短我, 有问题请跟帖, PAYPAL给出请在30分钟之内付款, 谢谢!
I have two 牛油果: (prefer taking them together~~~)
-- (GONE le~~~~~~) one is 用过的。用过得次数很少,因为脂肪粒 :( 。This one is 在mall里原价来的,现在想$15(shipping included)走,觉得贵了可以商量~~~
-- (GONE le~~~~~~) one is new. This one has 20% off from website. Actually, this is for my friend in Chain, but since I changed my plan and cannot get back, 现在想$20(shipping included)走,觉得贵了可以商量~~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/13 13:00:04编辑过]