问题是用这个功能send money/receive money是不是就不会被paypal追查??
paypal isn't a nice company. however, further categorizing payment type may not be motivated as what you think. According to legistlation passed last year, paypal will soon be required to generate income tax forms for paypal account owners. To differentiate what is income and what is not income, paypal has to further categorize payments.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/13 5:22:10编辑过]
paypal isn't a nice company. however, further categorizing payment type may not be motivated as what you think. According to legistlation passed last year, paypal will soon be required to generate income tax forms for paypal account owners. To differentiate what is income and what is not income, paypal has to further categorize payments.
paypal isn't nice because it is not profitable. However, afterall, paypal's this move to finer categorization of payments, I think, is more relevant to newly passed legislation to require paypal to generate income tax forms. Do you want your rent payment to your roommate to be counted as her income? If paypal doesn't effectively differentiate, I am afraid they would have to count everything as income, especially when the legistlation allows paypal to count all payments to a paypal account as income.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009/12/13 9:14:04编辑过]
我的PAYPAL BALANCE上一直都有钱,然后每次我都用这个付款,收钱,或者打印SHIPPING LABEL什么的,目前都还好,我想是不是用PAYPAL BALANCE会比较安全因为就像银行一样,都希望你账户里多点钱,不用每次都从银行那边转,是不是从银行那边转一次PAYPAL就能发现一次的TRANSACTION,这样容易发现有人转账和收钱用的是PERSONAL,但如果用他们内部的自己的BANLANCE,他们是不是就不会那么严格的去省察呢?只是一个小猜测,有用BANLANCE的MM说一下吧~
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