我的一个韩国朋友推荐给我的, 我用了, 觉得很不错! 可以留在脸上20-30分钟左右之后再按摩, 去黑头白头效果不错哦, 应该也有去死皮的功能
It performs the multi-functional tasks so that the essence dimension adds to the control cream. Not only will it massage and provide nutrients to the skin, but it will also control the secretion of sebum. It also enhances the skin protection function to keep the skin in its optimal condition. The new ingredient of Cytokines gets your skin Auto-protection. It controls hyperactivity in sebaceous glands to prevent overproduction of sebum and allows the skin to quickly absorb smoisture. It keeps the skin feeling trouble-free, pleasant and healthy.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-29 20:12:40编辑过]