周六我去爬山,回家后两腮和额头发红,发痒.好象SUNBURN 我感到奇怪,明明是抹了防晒油了,而且是SPF30. 虽然奇怪,但既成事实,就想法护理把. 上次SUNBURN,我抹了凡式林,可不惯用.于是上网求教. 许多姐妹建议ALOE GEL. 于是昨晚在DRUGSTORE 买了绿绿一瓶.睡觉前涂上,快乐的想着明天恢复正常的脸.早上起晚了,从从梳洗,觉得嘴唇有些怪,但也没在意.脸仿佛好多了.于是又涂了写GEL.早上一上班,就开会. H会后觉的脸热热的去洗手间,一看.吓一跳.脸红的很,好多处有红点掉皮显现,又痒又痛,嘴肿肿. 我不只着是过敏,还是SUNBURN 的结果. 打电话问医生,回答,必须到门诊看. 我的大夫又没空.只好约了PA(我还不知道什么是PA).结果,答案是过敏,打了一针.PA很好给了我一个COPY 关于SUMBURN. 她划出一段说名我的过敏原由. 我用的ALOE GEL 中有LIDOCAINE,着个可引起ALLERGIC RASH. 现在我把她给的COPY 的重点写一下着,着样不会有人在和我经历一样的事.
1. Appy sunscreen any time when you is going to be outside for more than 30 minutes.
2. Don't confuse sunscreens that block the sun's burning rays with suntanlotions. or oils that mainly lubricate the skin.( 着点很重要,我发现我买的就是LOTION,不是SUNSCREEN.)
3. 我让PA 推荐了几各牌子,若你有兴趣可已试试.GRUGSTORE都有.大约10$-20$一大瓶. COPPERTONE, BAN DE SOLEIL HAWIAN TROPIC.
1. Avoid applying oinments or butter to sunburn, they are painful to remove and not helpful.
2. Don't buy any first aid creams or sprays for burns. They ofen contain benzocaine
that can cause an allergic rash. ( I add: GEL that contain Lidocaine does the same)
3. PA said you can put NOXZEMA to relax the burn. She said NOXZEMA is a nature product.
个人皮肤的情况有差异,所以仅供参考.我对GEL过敏,与给我建议的JJMM 无关.我十分感谢她门的建议.
1. Appy sunscreen any time when you is going to be outside for more than 30 minutes.
2. Don't confuse sunscreens that block the sun's burning rays with suntanlotions. or oils that mainly lubricate the skin.( 着点很重要,我发现我买的就是LOTION,不是SUNSCREEN.)
3. 我让PA 推荐了几各牌子,若你有兴趣可已试试.GRUGSTORE都有.大约10$-20$一大瓶. COPPERTONE, BAN DE SOLEIL HAWIAN TROPIC.
1. Avoid applying oinments or butter to sunburn, they are painful to remove and not helpful.
2. Don't buy any first aid creams or sprays for burns. They ofen contain benzocaine
that can cause an allergic rash. ( I add: GEL that contain Lidocaine does the same)
3. PA said you can put NOXZEMA to relax the burn. She said NOXZEMA is a nature product.
个人皮肤的情况有差异,所以仅供参考.我对GEL过敏,与给我建议的JJMM 无关.我十分感谢她门的建议.