以下是引用diudiuzheng在2004-4-29 15:53:24的发言:
Green-Tea and Your Skin (ZT)
Did you know green tea can protect your skin from ultraviolet rays? Well it is
true. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun is a year-round
challenge. Everyone should use an effective sunscreen and limit exposure to
ultraviolet radiation. In addition to sunscreen, various studies have shown that
both the consumption and topical application of grean-tea polyphenols can
inhibit the cancer-producing or inflammatory impact of ultraviolet radiation. A
study presented in the Journal Of The American Academy Of Dermatology,
concluded that polyphenol extracts of green tea were effective topical agents to
prevent the adverse effects of sunlight. An article in the International Journal Of
Oncology documented many studies that showed how green-tea polyphenols can be
protective against the inflammatory and carcinogenic effects of ultraviolet radiation A
third article,from the Journel Of Photochemistry And Photobiology, showed that
green-tea polyphenols prevent the production of ultraviolet induced chemicals, which
can lead to immune suppression and the onset of skin cancer. Green-tea is a
powerful antioxident and an important ingredient in some nutrition products.