不客气。再加个 Dragon Ball GT 的。
1) The mysterious Dragon balls appear!! Son Goku becomes a child!?
2) I am the Leader! Pan Flies into Space!!
3) The Ultimate Moneygrubbers!! Imegga, Planet of Merchants
4) Wanted!! Son Goku is a criminal!?
5) See, the Strong Guy!! The Bodyguard Rejjik
6) It hurts, eh!? Son Goku the dentist
7) Beloved Honey!? The Betrothed is Trunks
8) Son Goku also Thunders!! The Whiskers' Power is at Full
9) Damn!! Son Goku Leaps into the Trap Planet!?
10) Dance Attack!? Boom-shakalaka!!
11) The Curse of Ruudo!? Pan turns into a Doll
12) The Oracle of God is REALLY Troublesome!! Soldier Ruudo
13) This is Father and Son? The Riddle of Scientist Myuu
14) Can We Get the Rhythm Down Perfectly!? Capture Ruudo!!
15) "I Can't Take Anymore!!" Pan Runs Away!?
16) Machine Planet M2... Gill the Backstabber!?
17) Waiting for Pan!! The Tactical Strike to Rescue Son Goku!!
18) Yo, Some Data is Missing!! Son Goku's Ultimate True Determination
19) Set Out and Attack!! The Mighty Mutant Rirudo
20) Surprise!! Son Goku's Attacked By a Metal Storm
21) What is this!! Son Goku is Turned to Metal
22) Violent Ambition!! Birth of the Evil 'Baby'
23) A Hidden Crisis!? A Spacewrecked and Mysterious Boy
24) Bebi's Counterattack!! Target the Saiya-jin!!
25) Oh no!! Bebi Has Appeared on Earth
26) Gohan and Goten... The Worst Brotherly Spat!?
27) Ambition Achieved!? Vegeta Possessed
28) Son Goku Returns... "All of Earth is My Enemy!?"
29) This is Really Bad!? Super Saiya-jin 3 Fails!!
30) Goku Has Passed On!? "I'm Dead."
31) What the...!? The Sky of Suguro-ku Studio is Collapsing
32) Son Goku Returns!! Angry Fighter Uubu
33) Eat This, Bebi! New Uubu's Killing Light Ray!!
34) The Transformation Fails!? Giant Ape Son Goku's Rampage!
35) Final Strength! Son Goku Becomes Super Goku 4!!