Compliment Story From her Uncle
When I was about 8 or 9, I spent a summer with my aunt and uncle because my mother was very sick.
Since they had no children of their own, my aunt had plenty of time to spend with me. Often we would just sit and talk. We spoke mostly about how I missed my parents and friends. But one day she asked me about my future. I said I wasn't sure. That I wasn't really good at anything.
"That's not true," said my aunt. "Just yesterday you uncle said to me 'Mable, that Jean is one really smart and hardworking young girl. She can do anything she puts her mind to.'"
Well that made me glow with pride but that wasn't the full power of the compliment. Over the years, each time I came up against some obstacle, my uncle's words come back to me "She can do anything she puts her mind to". Those words have helped me continue on when I might have given up. I am the person I am today because of those kind words.