Just because e-mail is an everyday part of life in the office doesn't mean it's something you don't have to think carefully about. Sending or receiving ill-conceived or improper email via your work account can lead to everything from embarrassment to disciplinary action.
Or both. Consider the case of one London couple, which last year had their private email correspondence forwarded around the world after the young man involved forwarded a sexually revealing email from the young woman to some pals at work. In addition to the resulting ignominy both suffered, the young man involved became the subject of an investigation by his law firm.
Of course, your email gaffes are most likely not going to turn you into a global laughingstock. But office email, when used improperly, can undermine your efforts to get ahead in your career. Following are some tips to help you use email to your advantage rather than detriment.
Just because e-mail is an everyday part of life in the office doesn't mean it's something you don't have to think carefully about. Sending or receiving ill-conceived or improper email via your work account can lead to everything from embarrassment to disciplinary action.
Or both. Consider the case of one London couple, which last year had their private email correspondence forwarded around the world after the young man involved forwarded a sexually revealing email from the young woman to some pals at work. In addition to the resulting ignominy both suffered, the young man involved became the subject of an investigation by his law firm.
Of course, your email gaffes are most likely not going to turn you into a global laughingstock. But office email, when used improperly, can undermine your efforts to get ahead in your career. Following are some tips to help you use email to your advantage rather than detriment.