1。Why do we procrastinate?
There are many theories purporting to explain why we procrastinate. In this site, we completely avoid this question. We care about How Do We Procrastinate, and, more importantly, how not to.
If you want a reference, the UIUC brochure on procrastination lists common causes of procrastination. For a scientific analysis of this phenomenon, go to the University of Calgary's website at www.procrastinus.com.
We only collect tricks that may or may not help you, and testimonials of stories you can identify with. As you navigate this site, we trust that you will find some ideas worth trying. Maybe these tricks will help you deprocrastinate, and you will never know why you were procrastinating in the first place. But does it really matter?
There is a provision we need to make concerning this approach: Procrastination may be a symptom of a more serious problem, e.g. depression, attention deficit disorder, or a flurry of other mental disorders that can themselves be symptoms of varied physiological problems. Please recognize that there are cases where you may need medical treatment, in particular if procrastination is accompanied by other symptoms.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-16 17:11:04编辑过]