Slimmer Thighs For Summer(有示范图)
A. Fitness Band Reverse Lunge
Starting Position:
Stand with one leg slightly in front of the other with the fitness band under
the front foot.
Hold a handle in each hand with the elbows bent so that your hands are
slightly above your shoulders.
Your palms should be facing each other.
Step backward with the rear leg bending the front knee to form a 90 degree
Contracting the quadriceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position.
After completing the set, switch legs and repeat the motion.
Key Points:
Inhale while stepping back, and exhale while returning to the starting
Make sure to avoid touching the floor with the rear knee.
The slower you perform the movement, the more challenging the exercise
You may want to try this one without the band first to learn to balance during
the movement.
Perform 20 slow and controlled repetitions for each leg and then immediately
go to the next exercise.

B. Dumbbell Squats

Starting Position:
Stand up straight with feet shoulder-width apart.
Hold a dumbbell in each hand with arms hanging down at your sides and palms
facing one another. (If you need an excellent set of dumbbells, check ours out
by clicking HERE!)
Maintain a neutral spine and a slight bend in the knees throughout the

Lower your body by bending from your hips and knees, stopping when your thighs
are parallel with the floor.
Contracting the quadriceps muscles, slowly return to the starting position.
Key Points:
Exhale while returning to the starting position and inhale while lowering your
Do not let your knees ride over your toes (you should be able to see your feet
at all times).
It helps to find a marker on the wall to keep your eye on as you lift and
lower, otherwise your head may tend to fall forward and your body will follow.

Think about sitting back in a chair as you are lowering down.
Push off with your heels as you return to the starting position.
You may want to try this exercise without weights until you master the
movement. It’s a very effective exercise that involves most of the muscle
groups of the lower body, but if done improperly can lead to injuries.
Perform 20 slow and controlled repetitions and immediately go to the next

C. Cardiovascular Exercise of Choice

You can perform any type of cardiovascular exercise you wish, such as power
walking on the treadmill, the stationary bike, elliptical trainer, etc.
Perform seven minutes at a slightly higher intensity than you normally do.
Don’t push too hard because we aren’t through yet.

After completing your cardio routine, take a 90 second break and repeat the
above sequence two additional times. This will give you a total of six sets of
leg exercises and 21 minutes of cardio. It will work if you pay attention to
the rules of the formula for fat loss.

Beginners should perform one set, intermediates two sets, and advanced
exercisers three sets as recommended above.

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-27 11:44:05编辑过]