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在家里的hardcore workout!!

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04-02-15 22:27操作
在家里的hardcore workout!!
Get a hard-core workout at home

You can build serious muscle and get the body you want without investing in a gym membership. We show you how.
By Stacy Whitman

Think you need to go to the gym to get a body that's really strong and sculpted? Not so, says certified trainer Jon Giswold, author of the new book Beyond Basic Training (St. Martin's Press, 2003) and group fitness instructor at The Sports Club/LA and Reebok Sports Club/NY, both in New York City. All it takes is a little know-how and the right program, which is where this exclusive workout comes in.

Whether you prefer pumping iron in private or simply can't get to the gym, these multimuscle exercises can help you strengthen your whole body quickly and effectively. Since each one requires balance, you'll use your core muscles (abs and spine extensors) to stabilize your body throughout the workout. While you can get great results without any equipment, Giswold recommends using dumbbells and a stability ball, where applicable, for maximum toning and sculpting. "If you really want to change the shape of your body, these two tools are worth the small investment," he says.

In addition to six basic exercises, Giswold has provided advanced moves for boosting intensity, so you can supercharge your workouts and gain serious definition. We also give you the lowdown on seven great fitness tools that will fit in your home — as well as your budget — and could be just the ticket to a superfit body, no matter where you train.

Workout schedule
Do these moves in the order listed 2–3 days a week, taking a day off between workouts. Perform 2 sets of 12–15 reps for each exercise, resting 45–60 seconds between sets. When you feel ready, add a third set for each move or try the advanced options listed at the end of each caption. For advanced moves, do 1–2 sets of 8–10 reps, resting 60 seconds between sets.

Begin your workout with 5–10 minutes of low-intensity cardio, such as brisk walking or stair climbing. End with stretches for all your major muscle groups (including your hip flexors and lower back), holding each stretch for 30 seconds without bouncing.

Cardio Rx To blast body fat, aim to do at least 30 minutes of cardio four or more days a week. Try walking, jogging, stair climbing, jumping rope, cycling, kickboxing, dancing or low-impact
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04-02-15 22:31操作
Set Up

Holding a dumbbell in left hand, stand facing back of a chair, feet hip-width apart. Bend knees and hinge forward from hips until torso is parallel to floor. Place right forearm on chair back and let left arm hang in line with left shoulder, palm facing in. Contract abs to maintain a neutral spine.


Contract back muscles, bending left elbow up and back toward waist. Slowly return to starting position. Repeat rows on one side, then switch arms to complete set. Weight: 5- to 10-pound dumbbell. Strengthens middle back, rear shoulders and biceps
Advanced move Place your hand on a stability ball instead of placing your forearm on the back of a chair.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Starting Weight: 5-10 lbs.
Rest: 45-60 secs.

[此贴子已经被作者于2/15/2004 10:35:13 PM编辑过]

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04-02-15 22:37操作
Set Up

Kneel on all fours with arms straight, hands slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Contract abs so body forms one straight line from head to hips, then lift and extend right leg to hip height


Keeping leg aligned with hip, bend elbows to lower chest toward floor, until elbows are even with shoulders. Keeping leg raised, push back up and repeat. Strengthens chest, front shoulders and triceps
Advanced move Place left hand flat on a 4-pound medicine ball when extending right leg, and place right hand on ball when extending left leg.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Starting Weight:
Rest: 45-60 secs.
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04-02-15 22:42操作

Stand with feet hip-width apart, legs straight, but not locked. Hold a 55- or 65-centimeter stability ball above your head with both hands, arms straight. Contract abs to bring spine into a neutral position, then step back with right foot into a lunge, bending both knees so left knee aligns with left ankle and right knee approaches the floor, heel lifted.


Maintaining lunge, sweep arms down, bringing ball past right thigh and toward right ankle. Push off right foot as you raise arms overhead to return to starting position. Repeat reverse lunges on one side, then switch legs to complete set. Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, calves, upper and middle back, and shoulders
Advanced move Hold a 4- to 6-pound medicine ball or an 8- to 12-pound Body Bar instead of a stability ball; place front foot on a Reebok Core Board, BodyWedge21 or BOSU Balance Trainer.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Rest: 45-60 sec.
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04-02-15 22:47操作

Holding end of a dumbbell in each hand in front of upper chest, palms in, raise right knee to hip height. Contract abs, chest lifted and shoulders relaxed.


Keeping left leg straight, step sideways with right foot, bending right knee and turning right foot out slightly so knee and foot are aligned. Sit into right hip, back straight, and extend dumbbell toward outside of right ankle. Push off with right foot and lift right knee back to hip height, bringing dumbbell to starting position. Repeat side lunges on one side, then switch legs to complete set. Weight: 5- to 8-pound dumbbell. Strengthens upper hips, inner thighs, quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, back, shoulders, biceps and abdominals
Advanced move Stand with nonlunging foot on a folded bath towel, an AIREX Balance Block or a SPRI Xerdisc.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Starting Weight: 5-8 lbs.
Rest: 45-60 secs.
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04-02-15 22:50操作

Place a dumbbell or a full 1-liter water bottle vertically on the floor, about an arm's length in front of your feet. Stand with feet hip-width apart, hands on hips, left foot behind right. Bend right knee and lower body into a one-legged squat, keeping right knee aligned with right ankle, left heel lifted


Next, hinge forward from your hips, extending and raising left leg behind you, torso parallel to floor. Reach toward dumbbell or bottle with right hand. Touch it lightly, then return to upright position, contracting abs as you lower left foot to the floor. Repeat squats and reaches on one side, then switch sides to complete set. Strengthens quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, abdominals, spine extensors, middle back and shoulders
Advanced move Use a 5- to 8-pound dumbbell, picking dumbbell up and bringing it toward chest as you return to start. Then hinge forward and lightly touch dumbbell to floor. Or keep standing foot on an AIREX Balance Block or a Reebok Core Board.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Rest: 45-60 secs.

[此贴子已经被作者于2/15/2004 10:51:16 PM编辑过]

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04-02-15 22:54操作

Lie faceup on the floor with both knees bent and aligned with hips, calves parallel to floor. Place hands over and behind head, elbows bent and pointing at knees. Contract abs, drawing ribs and hips toward each other, bringing spine into a neutral position


Maintaining position of right knee, extend and raise left leg, simultaneously reaching arms overhead, then toward left leg, and lifting head and shoulder blades up in a crunch. Return to starting position, bending left knee, reaching hands back behind head and lowering torso to floor. Repeat, keeping left knee bent and extending right leg, reaching arms to right leg. Continue alternating sides (both sides equal 1 rep). Strengthens abdominals, triceps and quadriceps
Advanced move Hold a 4- to 6-pound medicine ball over your head with both hands and reach ball toward legs as instructed above.

Sets: 2
Reps: 12-15
Rest: 45-60 secs.
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