发信人: robinsnow (再生蝶), 信区: Fitness
标 题: status report 之 appendix
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Tue Apr 22 00:05:24 2003) WWW-POST
exercise plan:
3. 减完stomach和belly之后打算再把绝对体重吃回来
1. though i aim for 3 times per week, i usually end up with 2 times a week...
if i really feel guilty for not exercising 3 times in gym, i made up by
jogging 30-45 minutes outdoors during weekend...
2. each time:
--jogging/ellips(?) 35 minutes...about 300 calaries ...
--stretching 15 minutes...i do a lot of stretches...i like the feeling of
--weight training 30 minutes...do pec fly (40-50lb now) for chest, leg press
(120-135lb) and hip abduction for hips(100-120lb), calf raise for
calves(70-80lb), free weights for biceps and triceps(7.5lb dumbbell)...if go
for larger weights for these, do a single set till exhaustion...otherwise do 2
sets with 10 repeatance...
theory behind: (reference: Shape magazine and internet)
1. cardio exercise before weight training for maximum benefits for weight lose
2. to continuously lose weight, have to integrate weight traning...
3. run more than 30 minutes to burn fat...
4. alternating routine by running on machines and terrain to imporve on the
calory burning margins...
diet plan:
stop eating 米饭 for dinner.
this is the first time ever in my life that i limit what i eat...i never did
it...so choose the easiest for myself: 我本来米饭就吃得很少,每顿也就吃小酸奶
瓶子松松的装得那么多米饭,so this diet is not too hard for me...except this, i
don't do anything else for my meals...但是最重要的是我还是有吃carbonhydrates的
pseudo-theory behind:
分食法:肉菜不同时吃 so the body might be burning its own fat when it couldn't
find carbonhydrates(?) to convert...(reference: Atkins diet)
i start this plan on new year's day...my new year resolution is to lose my
stomach and tummy...i started with weight of 120lb...gained 2lb after one
month of exercising and dieting...the next month saw 3-5lb lose...and then i
hit a plateau...did not lose anything for the month of march...and even gained
back a little...sometimes reaching 118lb even...this month is like miracle...i
dropped to 110lb for the past a few days...though not sure it will stay there
or not...
1。stomach, tummy still has remaining part...need to get rid of them all
2. thighs become a huge problem...since nothing lose from it...and i think it
bulks b/c of the leg press i am doing...this is potentially a *huge*
3. all my stretch routines become not that challenging...
Dear March, come in! Dear March, how are you?
How glad I am! And the rest?
I looked for you before. Did you leave Nature well?
Put down your hat-- Oh, March, come right upstairs with me,
You must have walked-- I have so much to tell!
How out of breath you are!
※ 修改:·robinsnow 於 Apr 22 00:05:24 修改本文·[FROM: 128.112.]