过节啦. 在这里祝健身房的xdjms:
祝每个人都能和家人团聚, 过一个快乐幸福的Christmas and New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2006.
过节啦. 在这里祝健身房的xdjms:
祝每个人都能和家人团聚, 过一个快乐幸福的Christmas and New Year!
Merry Christmas and Happy 2006.
想瘦的瘦一点, 想胖的多吃点.永远漂亮!
也祝帅哥们每个人都身体倍棒儿, 更帅辣.
祝大家在新的一年里想什么成什么, 万事如意啊.
oh my dear, time flew by b4 we realized . it's been more than half year since we got to know each other.
Totally wish you a successful new year , and Merry X'mas!