Note (by oceanwhite): 在读这个贴子的时候, 建议大家参阅第7,8,9楼 Lurenyi 的考证结果.
[此贴子已经被oceanwhite于2005-10-18 0:33:25编辑过]
Note (by oceanwhite): 在读这个贴子的时候, 建议大家参阅第7,8,9楼 Lurenyi 的考证结果.
[此贴子已经被oceanwhite于2005-10-18 0:33:25编辑过]
google半天找到原作者justin Rhodes, 以及他发表的几篇文章.正在研究中...
Rhodes J.S., van Praag H., Jeffrey S., Girard I., Mitchell G.S., Garland T., Jr., Gage F.H. (2003) Exercise increases hippocampal neurogenesis to high levels but does not improve spatial learning in mice bred for increased voluntary wheel running. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117:1006-1016.
Rhodes J.S., Garland T., Jr., Gammie S.C. (2003) Patterns of brain activity associated with variation in voluntary wheel-running behavior. Behavioral Neuroscience, 117:1243-1256.
Rhodes J.S., Garland T., Jr. (2003) Differential sensitivity to acute administration of Ritalin, apomorphine, SCH 23390, but not raclopride in mice selectively bred for hyperactive wheel-running behavior. Psychopharmacology, 167:242-250.
Johnson R.A., Rhodes J.S., Jeffrey S.L., Garland T., Jr., Mitchell G.S. (2003) Hippocampal brain-derived neurotrophic factor but not neurotrophin-3 increases more in mice selected for increased voluntary wheel running. Neuroscience, 121:1-7.
Gammie S.C., Hasen N.S., Rhodes J.S., Girard I., Garland T., Jr. (2003) Predatory aggression, but not maternal or intermale aggression, is associated with high voluntary wheel-running behavior in mice. Hormones and Behavior, 44:209-221.
Note: (by Oceanwhite)
这篇文章加精是因为lurenyi对lz转来的<运动过度脑子会变笨> 一文中的内容出处做了很详尽的考证, 分享了查到的原文(上一楼), 并摘录了其主要结论.(本楼和下一楼)介绍给大家.
我想向大家提倡lurenyi的这种严谨的态度. 人体是一个很复杂的系统, 很多奥秘还不为人知. 有很多网上的文章对某些研究成果做"只言片语"的摘录, 可能目的只是为了吸引眼球,甚至是有商业目的. 读这些文章,对它们的观点一定要有选择地接受,对某些观点也应该加以考证,这才是对读者和对自己负责的表现. 凡是花了时间精力认真考证,分析,并分享成果的, 我们也一定会appreciate.
通常认为多运动可以促进BDNF(brain derived neurotrophic factor)的分泌,促进海马体神经的生长,从而促进老鼠学习能力的加强.但是作者的研究却打破了这种必然联系,在特殊培育的S系和普通C老鼠之间对比发现S和C跑步的老鼠比不跑的BDNF以及神经生长都加强了,C老鼠学习能力通过跑步得到了提高,可是S老鼠的学习能力没有通过跑步提高.还是看看作者自己是怎么说的吧:
The present study confirms that access to a running wheel increases hippocampal BDNF concentration (Neeper et al., 1995), hippocampal neurogenesis (van Praag, Kempermann, & Gage, 1999), and spatial learning (Anderson et al., 2000) in normal rodents. The study also confirms that there is a strong positive correlation between running distance and neurogenesis in normal mice (Allen et al., 2001). Results for S mice provide the first evidence that there may be a limit to exercise-induced neurogenesis because the correlation between running distance and neurogenesis was lost in S mice as a result of a possible ceiling effect (Figure 3D). Another noteworthy finding was that despite extraordinarily high levels of exercise, and high levels of exercise-induced neurogenesis in S mice, spatial learning was not improved. The possibility that neurogenesis represents a mechanism for learning is exciting, but future work will be needed to resolve this issue. In the meantime, we suggest it is useful to consider alternative possibilities regarding the functional significance of exercise-induced neurogenesis, such as a role in locomotor performance.
[此贴子已经被oceanwhite于2005-10-17 20:44:26编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-10-17 16:45:06编辑过]
红着脸坦白一下:额运动是想保持青春靓丽 不再吃药。辣果,笨点没关系。
lz转文章的时候有没有问过自己问题呢? 比如说多大强度算是大强度啊? 对大脑和神经活动的伤害是在运动中发生的,还是运动后发生的? ATP的耗竭, 自由基的大量堆积, 局部酸性产物这些活动主要发生在肌肉和运动肢体, 是只影响局部身体的神经活动呢? 还是对大脑也有影响?
非常感谢lurenyi分享他的考证结果. 结果说明这一说法还不是一个理论, 仅仅是对少量小白鼠对比实验数据进行简单分析的结果而已. 虽然结论很有意思, 但正确性显然有争论, 也没什么实践上的指导意义.
能够忍受笨 不能够忍受胖 哈哈
能够忍受笨 不能够忍受胖 哈哈
我也觉得我好像变笨了500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">
500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">
500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">但是身体好是最重要的
500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">
500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">
500)this.style.width=500;" align="middle" border="0">