I got a set of IFIT CDs after buying the treadmill Nordictrack. Now I decide to follow the 8 week training.
10/2 30 min 1.7 miles 280 cal
10/3 5 min 0.5 miles 50 cal (additional)
10/4 40 min 2.7 miles 360 cal
10/5 40 min yoga 100 cal (estimated)
10/6 35 min 2 miles 350 cal
10/10 32 min 2 miles 280 cal
10/12 35 min 2 miles 310 cal
It is so easy to be lazy at the weekends. But I did have a foot problem.
I will try to keep them updated
The 10/3 is only for warming up at night. The training maximum speed is not very high, just 5.5 miles, and there are 20% of the time just for fast walking. So the cal is low compared to the time. But I think it is important to do exercise everyday at least 30 mins.
[此贴子已经被wawayu于2005-10-13 11:53:36编辑过]