舒适为宜 不要阻碍运动伸展就好
不好意思,这个姐姐看上去好老啊?妹妹知道她多大吗?看样子,YOGA 是没法美容了.
I wear BOY tank AND YOGA pants or even shorts which are very comfortable and stretch
I got the pics for you. here you go
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-9-3 9:56:13编辑过]
I wear BOY tank AND YOGA pants or even shorts which are very comfortable and stretch
I got the pics for you. here you go
不好意思,这个姐姐看上去好老啊?妹妹知道她多大吗?看样子,YOGA 是没法美容了.