买了不是很久,也没很认真地学,所以会的动作很有限。 目前主要是用这个球和垫子。
1. Sit on ball, feet placed firmly on floor. Slowly slide forward, centering lower back atop the ball, rolling bottom half off the ball. Crunch upper body forward, rolling shoulders toward hips and SQUEEZE your abs. Then slowly back down.
2. Lay on left side. Legs slightly bent for stability. Place ball directly in front of lower ab and use right hand to keep ball in place. In one motion, lift right leg up and over ball, tip the floor and back around the ball to beginning position.
3. Rest side, lower rib cage on the ball while using elbow for support. Left leg bent for support while right leg is extended; lift extended leg up parallel to hips and down(not touching ground). 6-8 times each leg. Controlled movement.
4. Lie on ball aligning lower back and back hip to the ball. Feet firmly planted on ground for stability. Relax shoulders and head back. Relax arms over head.
5. Facedown and walk hands forward aligning front hips and thighs on top of the ball. With tips of feet firm to the ground, take handles and extend arms straight out. Using back muscles, lift back of hands upward in pulses of 5.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-26 21:50:54编辑过]