oasics 是我用过的最好的running shoes,要去专门的running shoes store买.质量轻,非常supportive,有各种不同的款式.比如我,以前用nikee跑步,膝盖有拉伤,他们就推荐中间硬,两边较软的鞋子.效果非常好哦.
oasics 是我用过的最好的running shoes,要去专门的running shoes store买.质量轻,非常supportive,有各种不同的款式.比如我,以前用nikee跑步,膝盖有拉伤,他们就推荐中间硬,两边较软的鞋子.效果非常好哦.
I like Saucony, it might not be as trendy as the other brands, but its has very good support, and the price is not bad either.
As for MP3 player, I recommend the new iShuffle, its cheap and very portable.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-4-4 10:55:52编辑过]
runners' world 推荐的专业鞋店列表
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-5-8 20:28:01编辑过]
oasics 是我用过的最好的running shoes,要去专门的running shoes store买.质量轻,非常supportive,有各种不同的款式.比如我,以前用nikee跑步,膝盖有拉伤,他们就推荐中间硬,两边较软的鞋子.效果非常好哦.