美女教练问下哈。我是不忌口不节食,因为血糖原因,所以算是16+8吃法,去gym上group lessons. Strength, HIIT, Zumba,Pilate之类的,基本能保证一星期2-3次strengh和cardio. 这么多年没见掉过秤,现在年纪上来了,迈向更年期了,体重开始涨了,我就是想增肌减脂,别再涨体重了,咋整?
糖葫芦 发表于 2023-01-07 12:35
I would love to see your comprehensive lab work to give you a more detailed recommendation.
I would highly recommend going on a diet that's high in protein, moderate to lower carbs and a higher fat diet. Are your feeding windows during daylight hours?? Make sure each meal is a balanced meal with high protein + veggies + fat and some starch, and go for a 5-10 minute walk after each meal, it will help with digestion and lower blood sugar, and reduce stress. I don't know if you are taking any medication for your blood sugar level. If you are not taking anything, you can look into taking berberine am + pm to improve insulin sensitivity.