如果要效果好,当然要photo printer了
如果要效果好,当然要photo printer了
MM回得好快, 多谢建议, 再请教其他的比如LASER PRINTER 或那些MUTI-FUNCTION PRINTER呢,是不是都可以打照片? 咳咳, 不好意思, 我所谓的效果好就是可以打印清晰的照片, 色彩什么的不会失真就可以了.
最好有两台, 一台激光的, 一台photo printer.
普通打印用Genuine的墨盒实在是太贵, 但用OEM的照片打出来美办法看的. 所以还是不要买一台. 反正现在的Laser也是很便宜了.
最好有两台, 一台激光的, 一台photo printer.
普通打印用Genuine的墨盒实在是太贵, 但用OEM的照片打出来美办法看的. 所以还是不要买一台. 反正现在的Laser也是很便宜了.
I have a CanonD475 which is great for the performance/cost
It has pretty good quality for photos(4800X1200dpi), and the printing speed is good (>10ppm for file).
Also the ink cartrage is much cheaper than other brand, so the printing cost roughly equals to the laser one.
I think that is one of the best for <$100 printers.
If you want to have quality printer, you need to have dedicated ones, I recently bought Canon IP 6000D for $150.00, very good quality, but please don't use to print documents, because the black ink is small and costy.