就这么的定了阿? 我要再纠结一下3~~~没人咔普~~~~~~
What's your city? Any driver want to carpool with youtiao?
就这么的定了阿? 我要再纠结一下3~~~没人咔普~~~~~~
What's your city? Any driver want to carpool with youtiao?
What's your city? Any driver want to carpool with youtiao?
san mateo
san mateo
What's the major cross streets?
Any restaurant you like in San Mateo?
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 0:14:35编辑过]
What's the major cross streets?
9th ave & B st
9th ave & B st
It is pretty close to hwy 92. No problems, someone will carpool with you. Let's determine it by next Wednesday.
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 0:27:41编辑过]
It is pretty close to hwy 92. No problems, someone will carpool with you. Let's determine it by next Wednesday.
Less than 30 miles, about 35 minutes.
Less than 30 miles, about 35 minutes.
那我考虑自己开了,有想坐我车的也可以,路上有个说话的伴~~~咔咔~~~因为我有可能要提早点回来,不一定能等到8点才回san mateo了~~
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 0:41:19编辑过]
那我考虑自己开了,有想坐我车的也可以,路上有个说话的伴~~~咔咔~~~因为我有可能要提早点回来,不一定能等到8点才回san mateo了~~
我是大路痴,只能follow GPS, 到时候麻烦把大家的联系电话给我一些好么? 怕迷路....
我是大路痴,只能follow GPS, 到时候麻烦把大家的联系电话给我一些好么? 怕迷路....
Please check your 短信。Thanks.
已经报名啦,有个问题,有谁能carpool吗?我在santa clara,新手司机,不敢开那么陌生的地方。先谢谢啦!
调查一下:需要carpool還沒找到carpool请吱一声。决定当driver(carpool or not)也吱2声。driver's cell phone number 请短信告知。谢谢。
[此贴子已经被作者于2009-3-26 13:18:14编辑过]
请看短信。Anybody wants carpool with jadezhao please send 短信。