[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/12 10:21:32编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/12 10:21:32编辑过]
其实还是没啥,主要是那是在别人引用图片之前,tax the heck out of it~~~;-)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/12 21:23:39编辑过]
摄影最高境界,是来自光影和线条,但却凌驾其上... 表现的是一种emotion and feeling...
当你看到一张照片,注意到的不是毛豆的优缺点, 而是有心理层面上的感觉和触动, 比如,想知道他/她会是在干什么,什么样的故事刚刚发生,会要发生, 他/她心里在想什么...
作为人,都有喜怒哀乐,七情六欲, 也就是所谓的人性, 好的摄影作品就是能用简洁干净的光影和构图体现人性~~~
不过话说回来, 我费半天劲找出来的这几张大糖水都被定性为"大尺度", 那我要是真贴出来在专业摄影界得到认可的"大尺度"照片, 这里的大家,又会是一种什么样的接受程度呢?? ;-)
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/12 21:45:18编辑过]
I thank you for each and everyone who spent your precious time reading and commenting on my post! Despite of the fact that some of them made me speechless for quite some moment, yet I still hold my faith on quality Chinese photographer and audience~~
I originally posted this on "fashion" board, as I think it is a little bit elementary for "serious" photography. 90% of the pix I posted here are considered "sugar-coating", which is really at the infant level of "portrait photography"... my curiosity was to see how much people here can tolerate/appreciate pix like this... and I guess my purpose has been well served;-)
I do not have much interest in "online show-off" and what not:-)...There are waaaay better sources to serve that purpose in my life~~~
And I am just a normal one like your guys with some passion on photography and an open mind to share and to learn... For those of you who are really interested in photography, let's chat and debate; for those of you who have other personal interests, I highly encourage you go get some real life of your own!
P.S. To whomever is curious about the Photoshop stuff to the point that you have to wonder in a separate post, my answer to this is quite simple:
Fact 1. Pretty much all the professional photograph needs to be post-edited at certain degree, film version included as well!!!!
Fact 2. I am personally very much elementary in terms of using Photoshop, I prefer light room even more, which is more efficient for me.
Fact 3. If you think a good pic is all because of Photoshop, I, again, encourage you to DIY and to see if you may be able to achieve even better result!!! And pls don't forget to teach back~~
Fact 4. As far as I know, all the truly really outstanding photographers, they know/use/rely as little as possible on post-editing.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/13 2:32:04编辑过]
I thank you for each and everyone who spent your precious time reading and commenting on my post! Despite of the fact that some of them made me speechless for quite some moment, yet I still hold my faith on quality Chinese photographer and audience~~
I originally posted this on "fashion" board, as I think it is a little bit elementary for "serious" photography. 90% of the pix I posted here are considered "sugar-coating", which is really at the infant level of "portrait photography"... my curiosity was to see how much people here can tolerate/appreciate pix like this... and I guess my purpose has been well served;-)
I do not have much interest in "online show-off" and what not:-)...There are waaaay better sources to serve that purpose in my life~~~
And I am just a normal one like your guys with some passion on photography and an open mind to share and to learn... For those of you who are really interested in photography, let's chat and debate; for those of you who has other personal interest, I highly encourage you go get some real life of your own!
P.S. To whomever is curious about the Photoshop stuff to the point that you have to wonder in a separate post, my answer to this is quite simple:
Fact 1. Pretty much all the professional photograph needs to be post-edited at certain degree, film version included as well!!!!
Fact 2. I am personally very much elementary in terms of using Photoshop, I prefer light room even more, which is more efficient for me.
Fact 3. If you think a good pic is all because of Photoshop, I, again, encourage you to DIY and to see if you may be able to achieve even better result!!! And pls don't forget to teach back~~
Fact 4. As far as I know, all the truly really outstanding photographers, they know/use/rely as little as possible on post-editing.
VS做的S码有点不对~~~最重要的是拍的时候没穿好可能, 也没个人帮咱看看:-)
诚征化装师,造型师, 摄影助手!!!
哈。。。你报哪一项? :-)
1。“《人町》里不是有很多对焦不准,或傍晚时用慢速快门拍出的模糊影像吗?还有那种开放光圈时表现出的模糊感,都包含在这本摄影集里。 这是因为,有时这样拍最自然了。 并不是拍什么都要在画面上把焦距对得准准的。 焦距,要对在当时的感觉或心情,当时的事物上。这才是最重要的喔!”
2。“以同一张印样而言,我现在挑选的照片,和十年前挑出来的照片不同哦。挑照片的眼光和角度是会变的。 为什么会这样呢?因为人会成长,也会变得世故,有很多原因。随着个人的成长,及人格的成熟,每个阶段选择的照片都不同。因此,要测试一个摄影家很简单,你只要拿印样让他挑选,就可以马上了解他。。。再多聊些挑照片的问题吧。有人在选照片时会刻意不去挑比较情色的照片,虽然心里想,却为了掩饰这种好色的想法而将之隐藏起来。至于我呢,则是完全坦荡地表现出来哦。因为我拍的时候就大致都决定了。若是拍摄人物,我会挑选对方比较喜欢的照片(作为发表作品)。我不会拍一张嫌恶的脸,毕竟脸孔是每个人的商标嘛。”
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/10/16 1:18:18编辑过]
哈。。。你报哪一项? :-)
恩...态度忒诚恳:-). 递份儿简历吧...:)