刚申请了一个新的ROTH IRA,将申请表格同CONTRIBUTION的CHECK一并寄了过去。
刚申请了一个新的ROTH IRA,将申请表格同CONTRIBUTION的CHECK一并寄了过去。
刚申请了一个新的ROTH IRA,将申请表格同CONTRIBUTION的CHECK一并寄了过去。
At least 2006 contribution should be no less than 2005. Can mm tell me how to choose the broker of Roth IRA? Thx.
IRA Contribution Limits
YEAR | AGE 49 & BELOW | AGE 50 & ABOVE |
2002-2004 | $3,000 | $3,500 |
2005 | $4,000 | $4,500 |
2006-2007 | $4,000 | $5,000 |
2008 | $5,000 | $6,000 |
At least 2006 contribution should be no less than 2005. Can mm tell me how to choose the broker of Roth IRA? Thx.
我就选了SCOTTRADE,用惯了,觉的方便。我们家的GG的ROTH IRA也是在那开的。但是也可以在专门的INVESTMENT FIRM开,象FIDELITY和VANGUARD,但据说交易手续费会比较高
FIDELITY和VANGUARD如果是买他们自己的mutual fund的话,是没有fee的。但是如果是买其他公司的fund或者股票的话,手续费的确比较高。不过我觉得吧,这两家公司的fund其实也够了,真没必要到外面去买了。当然要是喜欢炒股,那就是另一个问题了。
FIDELITY和VANGUARD如果是买他们自己的mutual fund的话,是没有fee的。但是如果是买其他公司的fund或者股票的话,手续费的确比较高。不过我觉得吧,这两家公司的fund其实也够了,真没必要到外面去买了。当然要是喜欢炒股,那就是另一个问题了。
多谢,很有用的信息。401K我们家的就在FIDELITY,确实有好多很好的FUND。偶对投资很有兴趣,所以想选择多一点,但是有一点我很不明白。同样的FIDELITY FUNDS,在FIDELITY的2005年的PERFORMANCE就很好,12%,但是我去SCOTTRADE的RESEARCH一查,RETURN只有6-7%,不知道为什么,所以我还是不能确定SCOTTRADE就是MF的最好选择,但是我们家的PORTFOLIO的WATCHLIST很宽,也只有SCOTTRADE在这方面能满足要求。
FIDELITY和VANGUARD如果是买他们自己的mutual fund的话,是没有fee的。但是如果是买其他公司的fund或者股票的话,手续费的确比较高。不过我觉得吧,这两家公司的fund其实也够了,真没必要到外面去买了。当然要是喜欢炒股,那就是另一个问题了。
是吗?买卖都没有任何手续费吗?也没有管理费?sounds too good to be true.
嗯,买他们自己的mutual fund的话,是没有fee的。但是这两家都有minimum investment requirement,Vanguard $1000,Fidelity $2500。就算到了minimum investment也还有个account management fee。必须投资总额高过一个限额才能免掉account management fee。所以在开这个account之前还是要先琢磨一下的。举Vanguard做个例子:
Vanguard Account fees
Index fund maintenance fee: Either $2.50 quarterly or $10 annually (depending on the fund), per fund account. Waived for index fund accounts with balances of $10,000 or greater.
Low balance fee: $10 a year per taxable, nonretirement fund account. Waived for fund accounts with a balance of greater than $2,500, or shareholders with total Vanguard fund account assets of $50,000 or greater.
IRA custodial fees: $10 a year per fund account with a balance of less than $5,000. Waived for shareholders with assets totaling $50,000 or more at Vanguard in any combination of accounts (retirement, nonretirement, employer-sponsored plan, brokerage, annuity).
实际上Fidelity和Vanguard都是mutual fund公司,不是broker。他们主要的收入不是account management或者trading commission,而是mutual fund expense。就是说你的钱放在mutual fund里面,每年他们会拿一部分走。具体是多少因mutual fund而异。一般在0.5%到2%之间吧。这个才是他们拿的大头。买mutual fund的时候别忘了要看这个哦。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-27 20:20:42编辑过]
实际上Fidelity和Vanguard都是mutual fund公司,不是broker。他们主要的收入不是account management或者trading commission,而是mutual fund expense。就是说你的钱放在mutual fund里面,每年他们会拿一部分走。具体是多少因mutual fund而异。一般在0.5%到2%之间吧。这个才是他们拿的大头。买mutual fund的时候别忘了要看这个哦。
这个mutual fund expense具体叫什么名称?怎么看出来收费多少?
expense ratio更有用吧.
多谢,很有用的信息。401K我们家的就在FIDELITY,确实有好多很好的FUND。偶对投资很有兴趣,所以想选择多一点,但是有一点我很不明白。同样的FIDELITY FUNDS,在FIDELITY的2005年的PERFORMANCE就很好,12%,但是我去SCOTTRADE的RESEARCH一查,RETURN只有6-7%,不知道为什么,所以我还是不能确定SCOTTRADE就是MF的最好选择,但是我们家的PORTFOLIO的WATCHLIST很宽,也只有SCOTTRADE在这方面能满足要求。
嗯家有fidelity account那为什么还去stocktrade.可以都开在fidelity, 然后捆棒account.变成household.overall就可以到便宜的commission level了.
嗯,买他们自己的mutual fund的话,是没有fee的。但是这两家都有minimum investment requirement,Vanguard $1000,Fidelity $2500。就算到了minimum investment也还有个account management fee。必须投资总额高过一个限额才能免掉account management fee。所以在开这个account之前还是要先琢磨一下的。举Vanguard做个例子:
Vanguard Account fees
Index fund maintenance fee: Either $2.50 quarterly or $10 annually (depending on the fund), per fund account. Waived for index fund accounts with balances of $10,000 or greater.
Low balance fee: $10 a year per taxable, nonretirement fund account. Waived for fund accounts with a balance of greater than $2,500, or shareholders with total Vanguard fund account assets of $50,000 or greater.
IRA custodial fees: $10 a year per fund account with a balance of less than $5,000. Waived for shareholders with assets totaling $50,000 or more at Vanguard in any combination of accounts (retirement, nonretirement, employer-sponsored plan, brokerage, annuity).
实际上Fidelity和Vanguard都是mutual fund公司,不是broker。他们主要的收入不是account management或者trading commission,而是mutual fund expense。就是说你的钱放在mutual fund里面,每年他们会拿一部分走。具体是多少因mutual fund而异。一般在0.5%到2%之间吧。这个才是他们拿的大头。买mutual fund的时候别忘了要看这个哦。
我想再请问一下,所谓的没有fee,指的是没有trading commission吗?? 也就是买A型基金的那5.75%手续费可以免吗??
我想再请问一下,所谓的没有fee,指的是没有trading commission吗?? 也就是买A型基金的那5.75%手续费可以免吗??
我的理解是如果买A基金,扣5.75%, say you buy $4000 for 2005, the firm deduct $230, you will only has $3770 in your roth ira account at the very beginning. After that there is no fees associated with your roth ira account.
if buy B funds, you need to pay commission, transaction fee etc.
Correct me if I am wrong.
嗯家有fidelity account那为什么还去stocktrade.可以都开在fidelity, 然后捆棒account.变成household.overall就可以到便宜的commission level了.
commission 多少泥?
我的理解是如果买A基金,扣5.75%, say you buy $4000 for 2005, the firm deduct $230, you will only has $3770 in your roth ira account at the very beginning. After that there is no fees associated with your roth ira account.
if buy B funds, you need to pay commission, transaction fee etc.
Correct me if I am wrong.
commission 多少泥?
co ask.
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