Jan14, 当我查online banking acount 的时候,发现有四个莫名其妙的transactions, 每一个是500$, 所以总共是$2000, 被人从我帐上取走了。statement 上写这是ATM transaction. 可是银行卡一直在我这呀,不可能是用我的卡取得呀。我于是给bank of america 打电话。他们给我file 了claim. and they said they will credit the money to my account asap.
the next day, the credit did show on my account. so i thought there is nothing need to worry about. however, i got a letter from bank of america, which said: they made some investigation, there is no error of them in this case. they will take the credit which made on my account back.
after i saw the letter, i called BOA again, but the custermer service said i should be reponsible for my own card.
我现在该怎么办呀,我能把钱要回来吗?谁能不用我的卡就可以再ATM取钱呀? FDIC 都保什么呀,我需要报警吗?
我现在都要晕了, 罗罗嗦嗦说了这么多。希望知道的人帮我想想办法呀,谢谢啦。