Just want to make sure:
1. Have you bought a house yet? If not, do you have at least 10% down payment + closing cost ready?
2. Have you maximized your 401K + Roth IRA contribution?
3. If you have kids, do you have a 529 plan or Coverdell? If not, is that because it is not good for you?
I am not saying VUL is not good for you. VUL is not necessarily a bad investment vehicle. But it is a serious investment with long term commitment. So it makes sense to think it over. Good luck!
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-5 15:50:37编辑过]
恕我直言, VUL不是为普通老百姓设计的, 而是针对有钱人的. 如果你的投资不多的话, 你会被它的高额fees rip off的. 我劝你没有个50-100k以上的投资就还是forget about VUL吧, 自己开个brokerage 的account, 买几个mutual fund, 每年才1%的fee, 不比这个强的多?
再不客气的说一句, 中国人圈子里推销VUL的, 只有两种人, 骗子和被骗的.
恕我直言, VUL不是为普通老百姓设计的, 而是针对有钱人的. 如果你的投资不多的话, 你会被它的高额fees rip off的. 我劝你没有个50-100k以上的投资就还是forget about VUL吧, 自己开个brokerage 的account, 买几个mutual fund, 每年才1%的fee, 不比这个强的多?
再不客气的说一句, 中国人圈子里推销VUL的, 只有两种人, 骗子和被骗的.
多谢MM直言。[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-5 17:42:53编辑过]
Stay away from it if you are still student or just begin to work. Even you have had a job for a long time, think about it and study the terms carefully before you buy it. I lost my money because I didn't see the tricks and think about it carefully.
All the posters before mine are absolutely right. My own suggestion: don't buy it.
Stay away from it if you are still student or just begin to work. Even you have had a job for a long time, think about it and study the terms carefully before you buy it. I lost my money because I didn't see the tricks and think about it carefully.
All the posters before mine are absolutely right. My own suggestion: don't buy it.
谢谢谢谢,能不能说说怎么lost your money,呵呵,有点揭伤疤的意思,但这样能使越来越多的人知道他们的真面目啊,多谢了。
I think VUL is suitable for those young and rich (every MM's dream ). For us, common sense should prevail. Take care of basic needs first: house, retirement, kids, and whatever you care. If you still have money to spare, you can spend it whichever way you want, including buying a VUL.
Unfortunately, most of us don't have much left after those basics.
I am sure your insurance agent will give some arguments if you tell her to cancel. If you don't mind, can you post her arguments? I would really like to hear what they say.
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