想买辆新车,看了下,银行的new car loan都5.xx-6.xx%,或者更高,
可是我看有些creadit card有1.xx%或者0%ARP的balance transfer啊。
是不是不用bank car loan,直接用credit card and balance transer买新车更划算啊?
想买辆新车,看了下,银行的new car loan都5.xx-6.xx%,或者更高,
可是我看有些creadit card有1.xx%或者0%ARP的balance transfer啊。
是不是不用bank car loan,直接用credit card and balance transer买新车更划算啊?
balance transfer一般是说你把其他信用卡的账转过去,这转的部分你可以享受这个利息,有的信用卡也有你如果用它购物,头多少个月以内的利息也比较低的
当然理论上说,你可以用几个其它信用卡付帐,然后把balance全部转到这个低balance transfer利息的卡上去,在优惠到期之前付清或者再找一张这样的给转走,不过问题是,一般dealer不会让你买车的时候信用卡付的部分超过一定值或者超过车款的一定比例的,我碰到过的都是3、4千上限,我估计跟他们要给卡公司付费有关,你很难一辆车全部刷信用卡的。
balance transfer一般是说你把其他信用卡的账转过去,这转的部分你可以享受这个利息,有的信用卡也有你如果用它购物,头多少个月以内的利息也比较低的
当然理论上说,你可以用几个其它信用卡付帐,然后把balance全部转到这个低balance transfer利息的卡上去,在优惠到期之前付清或者再找一张这样的给转走,不过问题是,一般dealer不会让你买车的时候信用卡付的部分超过一定值或者超过车款的一定比例的,我碰到过的都是3、4千上限,我估计跟他们要给卡公司付费有关,你很难一辆车全部刷信用卡的。
谢谢mm,这么一解释清楚多了。不过还有些问题。我说的就是一些credit card寄了几张empty check with low APR。 如果我给自己写支票存到
银行,然后过一段时间,再用自己银行的支票买车,credit card怎么知道我使用他们的那些 low APR支票提现呢?还是说,一旦我把他们的支票
here is what I have done before.
I have a credit card with credit limit 3K and 0APR for balance transfer and 0 trasaction fee for one year. The credit card company also allows me to ask for a balance transfer check that I can deposit to my bank account. So I requested such a check and put the 30K in to my checking account, paid full by check when purchasing my car. Now I only need to pay off the credit card. One thing you should be carefully is that 0APR on balance transfer has time limit, usually one year for a newly approved card. So you need to either pay the balance in full in one year or do another balance transfer when the current 0APR expires since after one year, the APR will be high, veyr likely, higher than 10%. The other thing is that some credit card companies don't give your balance transfer check that can be put into your account number. Their balance transfer can only be done among credit cards. If you depoist such bt check into your bank account, they may treat it as cash advance with high rate. There are some ways you can actually get the cash out from such balance transfer, but i think it is too much hassle. You can learn more about this on mitbbs money board
Actually, I have another credit card that gives me 2.99%APR untill pay off, which I think is a better deal than higer interests rate car loans.
The cards I used are all citi bank cards. They are pretty good. you can request balance transfer check for depositing to bank account online.So you can take your time reading terms and figure out what you to do, instead of listening to those csr on the phone.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-30 14:39:01编辑过]
here is what I have done before.
I have a credit card with credit limit 3K and 0APR for balance transfer and 0 trasaction fee for one year. The credit card company also allows me to ask for a balance transfer check that I can deposit to my bank account. So I requested such a check and put the 30K in to my checking account, paid full by check when purchasing my car. Now I only need to pay off the credit card. One thing you should be carefully is that 0APR on balance transfer has time limit, usually one year for a newly approved card. So you need to either pay the balance in full in one year or do another balance transfer when the current 0APR expires since after one year, the APR will be high, veyr likely, higher than 10%. The other thing is that some credit card companies don't give your balance transfer check that can be put into your account number. Such balance transfer can only done among credit cards. There are some ways you can actually get the cash out from such balance transfer, but i think it is too much hassle. You can learn more about this on mitbbs money board
Actually, I have another credit card that gives me 2.99%APR untill pay off, which I think is a better deal than car loans.
The cards I used are all citi bank cards. They are pretty good. you can request balance transfer check for depositing to bank account online.So you can take your time reading terms and figure out what you to do, instead of listening to those csr on the phone.
Thank you so much for the detailed information. I'll do further research ....
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