上个星期开的账户,先是50 bonus也有,但是transfer里面只能从local bank帐户转入ING,没办法转出啊?
上个星期开的账户,先是50 bonus也有,但是transfer里面只能从local bank帐户转入ING,没办法转出啊?
上个星期开的账户,先是50 bonus也有,但是transfer里面只能从local bank帐户转入ING,没办法转出啊?
Did you buy some products like TAXCUT in order to get the $50 bonus?
no, don't need taxcut.
I have link the account to the ING's account. But when i put the "transfer" button. In the item "from" there is only my local bank's account and no ING's account. But in the item "to", there are both two kinds of account (ING's and local's). So I only can transfer money to the ING, but could not get out of it?
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