炒股赔的钱能免税.那么用roth ira 炒股,要是赔了钱还能免税吗?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-30 18:24:46编辑过]
roth ira 不是软件,是一种退休基金个人帐户.用税后的钱投次,但是赚的钱退休后取不用交税.
roth ira 如果赔了,可以DEDUCT.但是要等到你把钱全部取出后,仍比你的 contribution 少,这时候才能 deduct.
roth ira 如果赔了,可以DEDUCT.但是要等到你把钱全部取出后,仍比你的 contribution 少,这时候才能 deduct.
哦,这样啊, 长知识. 但等几十年后取出(假设为了避免PENALTY)时, 是和我总的contribution比较呢,还是和当年的contribution? 嗯,偶在想这种情况出现的概率??
The rules apply to the Roth IRAs: claiming Roth IRA losses on your tax return is allowed only if:
1. the total of your Roth IRA balances are withdrawn, and
2. the amount withdrawn is less than the basis in your Roth IRAs.
Basis here means all the contributions that you made (life time of Roth IRA).
哦,这样啊, 长知识. 但等几十年后取出(假设为了避免PENALTY)时, 是和我总的contribution比较呢,还是和当年的contribution? 嗯,偶在想这种情况出现的概率??
MM 你太逗啦,当然是你这几十年全部的投入啦.
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