今天收到了这样一张卡,记得自己没有申请过的,要让自己激活。不明白也没听话过。有些内容是这样说的:if you meet these requirments, you will receive a Visa Platinum account with a credit line of up to $30000, or at least $500, and the rates below.
APR for purchases: 0% through your statement date in April 2006(introductory period).;after that:16.99%
other APRS: balance transfer APR:16.99%; CASH ADVANCE apr:19;99%; default APR: UP TO THE PRIME RATE plus 23.74% or up to 29.99%, whichever is greater, and many vary.
Variable rate information: your APRS many vary; purchase APR:16.99% or the prime rate plus 10.74%, whichever is greater; cash advance APR: 19.99% OR THE PRIME RATE PLUS 13.74%, whichever is greater;
Grace period for purchases: at least 25 days if the New Balance is paid in full by the Payment Due Date.
Balance calculation method: Two-cycle average daily balance(including new purchases)
Annual fee:0$
Minimum fiance charge:1$
Transaction fee for purchase: for purchase made outside the U.S. and its territories:1% of each purchase
Cash advance fee: 3% of the advance($10 minimum)
Balance transfer fee:$0 for balances transferred within the first 90 days of account opening. For future offers, a fee of up to 3% of each balance transfer($5min./$75 max. per transfer) may apply.
Late fee: $19 if balance is less than $200; 39$ if balcnce is $200 or greater;
overlimit fee: 35$ if you exceed your credit line at any time during a billing cycle.
late fee, overlimit fee这些就不用帮忙解释了,别的还是想请知道的人帮忙明白一下。来了一年了用了CAPITAL ONE的500刀 LIMITATION的卡,被CHARGE了2次OVERLIMT FEE。打了电话也不提高限度,交易信息在网上根本看不到。想就放在那里不用了。记得1个月前申请过Discover card,但拒了。是想再申请个卡,可这个我也没申请,寄来了也搞不清楚,是要还是不要。太烂的卡真的不想要。