看了这默多的投资经验,很受启发,在与大家分享我的经历之前先有一个问题问大家:好多人提到fatwallet.com, wanna know how it works. 上面的REBATE是fatwallet.com给还是具体的买东西的网给? 一般都如何给? 举例说明: 我最近想买一本关于去埃及旅游的书,查到在target有6%REBATE,我的书的价钱是16$,那么这是REBATE前的还是后的呢?
看了这默多的投资经验,很受启发,在与大家分享我的经历之前先有一个问题问大家:好多人提到fatwallet.com, wanna know how it works. 上面的REBATE是fatwallet.com给还是具体的买东西的网给? 一般都如何给? 举例说明: 我最近想买一本关于去埃及旅游的书,查到在target有6%REBATE,我的书的价钱是16$,那么这是REBATE前的还是后的呢?
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-8-5 15:08:31编辑过]
Thanks for your kind reply
So what I got from your message is that I will have to have an account at Fatwallet.com so that I can get the 6% fatcash after I place the purchase. Is that correct? And who will be responsible to send me the fatcash? Fatwallet.com or the merchadiser (in my case Target)? If from the Fatwallet.com, do they have a cerntain amount that you have to reach before they can send you a check? Thanks a million
Thanks for your kind reply
So what I got from your message is that I will have to have an account at Fatwallet.com so that I can get the 6% fatcash after I place the purchase. Is that correct? And who will be responsible to send me the fatcash? Fatwallet.com or the merchadiser (in my case Target)? If from the Fatwallet.com, do they have a cerntain amount that you have to reach before they can send you a check? Thanks a million
I guess that will all your questions.
but you must wait a pretty long time to get the fatcash.
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