下午收到钢琴老师的信,说她将不再到学生家里教课,将改在有摄像头的地方。原因是一个5岁学生告诉他妈,老师用指甲掐他。这个老师是个虔诚基督徒,经常带我家孩子去老人院弹琴,感觉挺nice的。我家孩子说,她的朋友都抱怨钢琴老师mean,只有她的老师很好,很喜欢。节选段老师的email,说实话very sad. 谁是谁非不评论,就想说私教风险不小,即使在学生自己家。
A while back, a 5 year old child went and told his mother that I forcefully jabbed my nail into his arm. Now remember, when I am teaching piano lessons, you are always in the home. I would hope that if you felt my character was abusive and dangerous to your child, you would keep me as far away from your home as possible. This of course, was a complete lie due to the fact that the child and I had a more challenging piano lesson due to attitude problems. I believe this was a way for the child to "get back" at me, his Piano Teacher. I must add, there were absolutely no marks on his arm. How do I defend myself against a child? I cannot! I have absolutely no proof, outside of my word, that I did nothing wrong. This particular family took their son's side; leaving me speechless. At that time, I suddenly realized that a student could tell parents ANYTHING and if the parent believes the child, I could even be taken to court, put in prison, etc. The accusations could get really bad and serious( I believe you know what I am referring to).
A while back, a 5 year old child went and told his mother that I forcefully jabbed my nail into his arm. Now remember, when I am teaching piano lessons, you are always in the home. I would hope that if you felt my character was abusive and dangerous to your child, you would keep me as far away from your home as possible. This of course, was a complete lie due to the fact that the child and I had a more challenging piano lesson due to attitude problems. I believe this was a way for the child to "get back" at me, his Piano Teacher. I must add, there were absolutely no marks on his arm. How do I defend myself against a child? I cannot! I have absolutely no proof, outside of my word, that I did nothing wrong. This particular family took their son's side; leaving me speechless. At that time, I suddenly realized that a student could tell parents ANYTHING and if the parent believes the child, I could even be taken to court, put in prison, etc. The accusations could get really bad and serious( I believe you know what I am referring to).