dragon2022 发表于 2022-11-07 10:58
大家注意到Amazon上Nathan的自传可以preview a few pages吗?今天读了好些,原来Nathan的妈妈家是医生世家,Nathan的爸爸也是学医的,不过阴差阳错爸爸妈妈都没有当成医生,估计Nathan这个当医生的梦想在这样的家庭也是顺理成章并且背负着家族的希望吧!而且我注意到他的书每个章节的题目都是一句中文,比如“千里之行,始于足下”,“兵来将挡,水来土掩”,看着好亲切。
大家注意到Amazon上Nathan的自传可以preview a few pages吗?今天读了好些,原来Nathan的妈妈家是医生世家,Nathan的爸爸也是学医的,不过阴差阳错爸爸妈妈都没有当成医生,估计Nathan这个当医生的梦想在这样的家庭也是顺理成章并且背负着家族的希望吧!而且我注意到他的书每个章节的题目都是一句中文,比如“千里之行,始于足下”,“兵来将挡,水来土掩”,看着好亲切。
dragon2022 发表于 2022-11-11 16:59
apple books里也有preview,有vera wang的序和第一章,不知Amazon上是不是一样的内容
apple books里也有preview,有vera wang的序和第一章,不知Amazon上是不是一样的内容
ukulele 发表于 2022-11-12 04:29
有的,就在amazon网站上,我在PC上看到的,点右上角那个“Look Inside". 里面有个“Surprise Me”可以随机显示一页。我看到有一页写到2018年全美比赛,因为脚踝受伤,他比赛的时候没有上4Lz,这大概是我第一次看到他承认奥运会比赛有伤....
错过了今天的Chasing Gold。有没有看了的妹子来说一下,内容是不是就上面贴的NBC访谈?peacock 要明天才有得看。
lulupig77 发表于 2022-11-13 21:21
我看了,和前两天post出来那一段NBC采访一模一样,没有任何新内容,后面还播放了Ilia Malini在Skate America上跳出4A的自由滑节目。
Nathan 今天去给姐姐站台了
Alice 现在做什么?
Alice 现在做什么?
piranha 发表于 2022-11-13 23:50
她还是在Apple news吧。手工蜡烛据她自己说是其众多副业之一。感觉他们家的人精力都很旺盛,很能捣腾😁
看了youtube Nathan的 MV 了吗?虽然觉得costume可以更好,其他的表演很喜欢。
看了youtube Nathan的 MV 了吗?虽然觉得costume可以更好,其他的表演很喜欢。
piranha 发表于 2022-11-18 14:00
转一个Youtube video 下的评论,心有戚戚焉:
i want to put forward some other factors in defining the greatest including the ability to capture, reflect and define the spirit of the times, and today that means in a way that is contemporary and revolutionary, and the ability to forge new ground. Actually much of figure skating is not very updated artistically. Skaters typically do programs that are musically confined, the Boleros, the Four Seasons, the michael jacksons, the grand movie score, the swish song. Nathan's musical choices and programs have gone way beyond these staid old choices, interpreting onto ice music of diverse genres, with a style that though rooted in classical dance is thoroughly contemporary and revolutionary. Hanyui, though a great artiste on ice, is several steps behind Nathan because his inspiration comes from Romnanticism, which is several centuries behind the spirit of today lol.
我希望将来冰演他会滑这个节目。有点小感想。他特意穿着team usa的运动服,在耶鲁的冰场上表演。他信奉的就是collaboration,team work。时刻promote和他相关的。暂时看不出什么,长久还是这样思维的人会走得远。
转一个Youtube video 下的评论,心有戚戚焉:
i want to put forward some other factors in defining the greatest including the ability to capture, reflect and define the spirit of the times, and today that means in a way that is contemporary and revolutionary, and the ability to forge new ground. Actually much of figure skating is not very updated artistically. Skaters typically do programs that are musically confined, the Boleros, the Four Seasons, the michael jacksons, the grand movie score, the swish song. Nathan's musical choices and programs have gone way beyond these staid old choices, interpreting onto ice music of diverse genres, with a style that though rooted in classical dance is thoroughly contemporary and revolutionary. Hanyui, though a great artiste on ice, is several steps behind Nathan because his inspiration comes from Romnanticism, which is several centuries behind the spirit of today lol.
dragon2022 发表于 2022-11-18 20:07