回复 1楼birdffly的帖子这都是啥啊,人家藤校就是一个体育联盟,你把那些乱七八糟的名校塞进去,把一些本属于联盟的学校拉出来。到底想卖啥狗皮膏药啊?
lzhiyang 发表于 2023-02-09 12:56
回复 1楼birdffly的帖子这都是啥啊,人家藤校就是一个体育联盟,你把那些乱七八糟的名校塞进去,把一些本属于联盟的学校拉出来。到底想卖啥狗皮膏药啊?
lzhiyang 发表于 2023-02-09 12:56
在国内的人看来. 只有哈耶普斯麻, 加州理工勉强, 总共五个或六个, 其他都不行, 中国的电视剧里,就连办公室的小秘书都是哈佛,普林斯毕业的
ciber 发表于 2023-02-09 19:06
青青草地 发表于 2023-02-09 13:22
nicecool 发表于 2023-02-09 13:24
truebaren 发表于 2023-02-10 09:01
杜克体育那么好, 校园生活有趣程度比藤校高一个档次
nalili88 发表于 2023-02-09 13:14
那么John Hopkins 就是藤校,计算机,匹兹堡的卡耐基油是藤校,你学生物某些行业,university of Washington 又是很好的学校
minqidev 发表于 2023-02-09 12:52
很多华人是沾上点藤就是好。康比杜克整体而言还真得算是低一个档次的。受不受欢迎华人说了不算… 康18% vs 杜克82%.lol…虽说这个比例反应不够全面,但肯定还是有很多道理滴别不服
lake123 发表于 2023-02-09 14:15
"Despite a beautiful campus and excellent basketball, Duke is overrated academically as an undergraduate institution. Greek life predominates the social scene, and there is little that Durham has to offer socially, culturally, or educationally. The student body, although diverse geographically, is homogeneous in terms of attitudes, values, and style with suburban preppy types prevailing."
"I attended the university for 2 years before transferring to another institution. My freshman year was excellent - freshman have their own campus which promotes a lot of co-mingling between the class. Academic quality was fine - STEM classes were excellent, but I found that the liberal arts classes were populated by athletes looking for an easy A, and professors that were looking for papers that agreed with their worldview, rather than a unique critique. The facilities were top-notch - excellent gymnasiums and sports facilities, great libraries, beautiful campus, etc. On campus food is top notch. Durham is pretty poor of a city - lot of homelessness outside the campus that will ask students for money as they go buy groceries. The university is full of students that were top 5% in their high school, or top division 1 athletes. However, not only is the school very academically competitive, but it is socially competitive as well. I found that freshman competed with each other to get into the best fraternities/sororities and selective living groups, and used their social standing as a measuring stick for their worth as a person. Not being in a fraternity or selective living group was social suicide, as the social scene after freshman year was driven by the group that you were a part of, which was very difficult to break into from an outsider (even if you were friends with these people as a freshman). It's extremely lonely to be without a dedicated base of friends in sophomore and junior year, which causes about 50% of the class to be pretty socially isolated. However, being in one of these groups promotes burnout, as keeping up with intense classes, job recruitment, and fraternity/SLG life can be exhausting. Just beware of these things before attending the university, and understand that you will likely have to join greek life to have any real fun at the university."
"Despite a beautiful campus and excellent basketball, Duke is overrated academically as an undergraduate institution. Greek life predominates the social scene, and there is little that Durham has to offer socially, culturally, or educationally. The student body, although diverse geographically, is homogeneous in terms of attitudes, values, and style with suburban preppy types prevailing."
"I attended the university for 2 years before transferring to another institution. My freshman year was excellent - freshman have their own campus which promotes a lot of co-mingling between the class. Academic quality was fine - STEM classes were excellent, but I found that the liberal arts classes were populated by athletes looking for an easy A, and professors that were looking for papers that agreed with their worldview, rather than a unique critique. The facilities were top-notch - excellent gymnasiums and sports facilities, great libraries, beautiful campus, etc. On campus food is top notch. Durham is pretty poor of a city - lot of homelessness outside the campus that will ask students for money as they go buy groceries. The university is full of students that were top 5% in their high school, or top division 1 athletes. However, not only is the school very academically competitive, but it is socially competitive as well. I found that freshman competed with each other to get into the best fraternities/sororities and selective living groups, and used their social standing as a measuring stick for their worth as a person. Not being in a fraternity or selective living group was social suicide, as the social scene after freshman year was driven by the group that you were a part of, which was very difficult to break into from an outsider (even if you were friends with these people as a freshman). It's extremely lonely to be without a dedicated base of friends in sophomore and junior year, which causes about 50% of the class to be pretty socially isolated. However, being in one of these groups promotes burnout, as keeping up with intense classes, job recruitment, and fraternity/SLG life can be exhausting. Just beware of these things before attending the university, and understand that you will likely have to join greek life to have any real fun at the university."
ddg2001 发表于 2023-02-10 12:07
所以人家找了数据说选康的18%,选Duke的82%, 然后你选择性地找了一个在duke读了两年书没读下去的人的random评论来反驳?猜你大概ignore了更多的正面评论吧。 而且我怀疑你连这个评论都没看完。 看上去这个学生主要是social 没有融入才有这些看法。
Fish112233 发表于 2023-02-10 12:30
所以人家找了数据说选康的18%,选Duke的82%, 然后你选择性地找了一个在duke读了两年书没读下去的人的random评论来反驳?猜你大概ignore了更多的正面评论吧。 而且我怀疑你连这个评论都没看完。 看上去这个学生主要是social 没有融入才有这些看法。
misssunshine 发表于 2023-02-10 13:56
杜克和康村比,除了US News美国国内大学排名高以为,其他四个世界大学排名榜上都比康村差,诺贝尔奖康村有61个,杜克10个,康村一直是花街的top 5 feeder schools, 杜克是十几名,单从学术上看,康村要好一点,作为NCAA Division I的学校,杜克的体育碾压所有的藤校,除了东西两岸,杜克在美国其他地区显然更受青睐
我认识的Cornell女生都很漂亮, 有味道, Duke不熟无法评论
杜克和康村比,除了US News美国国内大学排名高以为,其他四个世界大学排名榜上都比康村差,诺贝尔奖康村有61个,杜克10个,康村一直是花街的top 5 feeder schools, 杜克是十几名,单从学术上看,康村要好一点,作为NCAA Division I的学校,杜克的体育碾压所有的藤校,除了东西两岸,杜克在美国其他地区显然更受青睐
Alphafly 发表于 2023-02-10 14:53
我认识的Cornell女生都很漂亮, 有味道, Duke不熟无法评论
genia 发表于 2023-02-10 15:19
birdffly 发表于 2023-02-13 13:32
你是无知的可以,就别在这里代表加州啦 LoL