我有朋友刚做了, 给我第一手反馈: 有点后悔! 他是因为他年龄不小了, 一做近视手术, 看近的需要戴老花镜. 据说手术只能让你要么看远, 要么看近, 或者一眼看近一眼看远, 反正不能同时都占. 他每天要看书, 现在几乎每天都要戴老花镜, 看远处才不戴眼睛. 总之对他没有价值. 他说手术前他不知道这一个局限.近视眼看是不用戴眼镜么?
CK 发表于 3/28/2016 3:20:45 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71225280#71225280][/url]
什么原理? 植入到哪里?
我现在带一般的隐形我感觉挺好,现在隐形做的也越来越好,更本感觉不到带了, 日抛也方便
小红mao 发表于 3/28/2016 9:56:14 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71228835#71228835][/url]
我也宁愿戴眼镜…… lz给你说个我身边人的后遗症……看着老可怕了…… 就是稍微撞到头,或者摔倒之类的,眼白就会有血迹………………我开始以为她眼睛被打了,瞳孔旁边的眼白,大概有黄豆那么大的血迹……然后她说是lasik之后偶尔就会这样,自己没感觉。她那时早就过了恢复期了倒不一定是后遗症,我没做过lasik,非常偶尔会有结膜下出血 A subconjunctival hemorrhage is bleeding underneath the conjunctiva. It can occur after a sudden or severe sneeze or cough, heavy lifting, straining, vomiting, or even rubbing one's eyes too roughly. It can also occur as a side effect of eye surgery or blood thinners. The main symptom is a bright red patch in the eye that may spread and then become green or yellow, much like a bruise. Usually it disappears within two weeks. In most cases, no treatment is required for this condition.
yueyueyue 发表于 3/28/2016 2:53:15 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71225008#71225008][/url]
A subconjunctival hemorrhage is bleeding underneath the conjunctiva. It can occur after a sudden or severe sneeze or cough, heavy lifting, straining, vomiting, or even rubbing one's eyes too roughly. It can also occur as a side effect of eye surgery or blood thinners.
The main symptom is a bright red patch in the eye that may spread and then become green or yellow, much like a bruise. Usually it disappears within two weeks.
In most cases, no treatment is required for this condition.
lightoverhead 发表于 3/28/2016 10:51:06 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71229392#71229392][/url]
有那种植入式镜片的吧,据说度数不对了还可以取出更换。激光手术确实是做完角膜就是搭回去没法生长回去的,为此我一直有个疑问,是不是此生都不能愉快的揉眼睛了,眼睛狠痒也不行,迷眼睛了也不行?还有还能化眼妆么?有时捣蛋的眼影粉确实会进眼睛里啊,不是专门有洗眼睛的,能洗出不少脏东西。。话说我又发散思维想到了有的变态眼霜熏眼睛的问题。。😓same here
Winddrift 发表于 3/28/2016 3:06:15 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71225136#71225136][/url]
Louisewu 发表于 3/28/2016 11:19:25 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71229673#71229673][/url]
conciry 发表于 3/28/2016 11:33:17 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1992236&postid=71229833#71229833][/url]