It seems that I can't drop two classes.
Request to Become a Part-time Student
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Rutgers is a full-time institution; therefore, part-time status is reserved only for independent students or students in their last semester who need less than 12 credits to complete their degree.
Requests for part-time attendance must be made before the beginning of the semester. Any request made after the semester has commenced will be considered for the following semester. If you meet one of the criteria described below, you may request part-time status.
Seniors entering their last semester
Seniors in their final semester who need less than 12 credits to graduate are eligible to register for only the credits that they need to complete their degree. No paperwork is needed. Students simply need to register for only the courses that are needed to graduate. If a course is added that the student does not need, the student will need assistance with dropping the course.
Registration changes that bring a student below 12 credits must be done in person at an SAS Advising Center. Please note that this must be done by the end of the first week of classes. Students will not be able to drop below 12 credits after the Drop without a W period ends (see the Registration page for exact dates), even if the student does not need the course to graduate.
All other students requesting part time
Students (who are not seniors in their last semester) who would like to be considered for part-time status must provide copies of the following documents to the Office for Nontraditional Students and Special Populations:
1) a Financial Aid statement indicating independent status or
2) a copy of a lease with their name on it and a current 1040 tax statement indicating they claim themselves.
Without this documented proof, a student cannot qualify for part-time status.
The decision to register for less than 12 credits and become a part-time student often has significant implications for the student's financial aid, health insurance coverage, housing, scholarship eligibility, and the like. Students must consult with an academic adviser familiar with these issues before submitting a request for part-time status.
To request to become a part-time student, please email Dean Arroyo.
Extenuating Medical Circumstances
Students with extenuating medical circumstances should consult with the Dean of Students who will communicate with Dean Arroyo to determine if part-time status is warranted. In the event that part-time status is approved, it will be for only one semester.
Students on Academic Warning or Academic Probation
Students with academic standing difficulty should meet with an academic adviser before considering taking less than 12 credits, even if they qualify.
International Students
International Students are required to maintain full-time status, except potentially in the final semester before graduation. Additional information can be found on the Center for International Faculty and Student Services website.
For More Information
For more information about registration policies, please visit the Registration and Course Policies page.