Nathan 采访中提到过的喜欢的电影,Amadeus, Whiplash还有Parasite, Whiplash 里有 Caravan的片段
喜欢的书,When Breath Becomes Air, Shoe Dog, Into Thin Air
Nathan 采访中提到过的喜欢的电影,Amadeus, Whiplash还有Parasite, Whiplash 里有 Caravan的片段
喜欢的书,When Breath Becomes Air, Shoe Dog, Into Thin Air
dragon2022 发表于 2022-08-10 17:36
回复 8412楼娇韵诗的帖子我的天,他的跳跃就没见过存的啊! 不能再标准了。这洗脑包哪里来的,无语
dragon2022 发表于 2022-08-10 22:50
羽生粉把能想到得黑料一个都不会放过。教科书一样标准的4F的4辣子还不是一样被黑pre。他今年全美的时候因为受伤状态不好,SP的4辣子连跳落冰很罕见的不好,他自己采访都提到落冰不好,结果还少不了被黑存,裁判打分不公,结果好自由滑除去他和Ilia, 大家存的五花八门,这下不攻击他的GOE,该攻击PCS。Nathan对自己的跳跃要求挺严格,经常是冰迷们都没觉得什么,他赛后的采访还会提到自己的哪个跳跃落冰有些前倾或者其他什么问题。跳跃不好自己那关就很难过,估计王妈妈和Raf那里他更不好过
刚才记忆出点错,Nathan17年的时候被问到喜欢的古典音乐,回答莫扎特,因为他看过电影Amadeus. 21年全美记招会的回答和4年前一样
Ritazhang2007 发表于 2022-08-10 22:33
"Nathan was like that perfect timing, perfect result, no-doubt win at the Olympics. Nobody could get even close to him," Arutyunyan said. "Nathan, it was my project, starting when he was 11. I was not looking what they pay, how they pay, what they do. All I wanted them to stay with me and trust me until the end, which they did, and he won with no doubt. It was 11 years work."
"That's all I want. I'm a really happy man. I got everything. No! I got more than I wanted. Really, I wanted not that much. I wanted a little bit, but I got a little bit more. Not a little bit. Much more."
When Chen was about 13 or 14, he got food poisoning right before a major competition and was vomiting in the hotel.
“You know how people get gray when they are sick?” Arutunyan recalls. “He was not gray; he was green.”
Arutyunyan suggested pulling out of the competition, but Chen refused.
That night, Arutyunyan stood beside the rink, begging Chen not to throw up on the ice but clutching a bucket just in case. Chen wound up winning.
“That’s what makes him.” Arutyunyan says.
helichrysum 发表于 2022-08-11 09:08
Ritazhang2007 发表于 2022-08-10 22:33
有时候我觉得,是不是这个莫扎特的节目就像《安魂曲》的命运一样, 难逃有缺憾的命运,而且想到SOI M&G上他无比诚恳的看着我,跟我说会找机会滑莫扎特的,就觉得无比心痛...
好消息,Nathan去Japan open做guest skater。不用等明年冰演了。
好消息,Nathan去Japan open做guest skater。不用等明年冰演了。
piranha 发表于 2022-08-12 09:50
紧接着还有Carnival on Ice呢!
"Nathan was like that perfect timing, perfect result, no-doubt win at the Olympics. Nobody could get even close to him," Arutyunyan said. "Nathan, it was my project, starting when he was 11. I was not looking what they pay, how they pay, what they do. All I wanted them to stay with me and trust me until the end, which they did, and he won with no doubt. It was 11 years work."
"That's all I want. I'm a really happy man. I got everything. No! I got more than I wanted. Really, I wanted not that much. I wanted a little bit, but I got a little bit more. Not a little bit. Much more."
dragon2022 发表于 2022-08-11 13:37
据说老爷子出走俄罗斯冰协时就发誓自己一定要培养出一个奥运冠军来,这么多年下来 Nathan 总算帮他圆了梦,确实是彼此成就
好消息,Nathan去Japan open做guest skater。不用等明年冰演了。
piranha 发表于 2022-08-12 09:50
好奇问一下,这个guest skater以前也有吗?是什么意思?应该和表演滑也不太一样吧?
没关注过完全不了解。JO和CaIO 是在同一天举办的两个events ?
lulupig77 发表于 2022-08-12 11:58
Reddit 上有人解释了一下
所以男单自由滑比赛 + Nathan 表演 + 女单自由滑比赛 + gala/carnival on ice 全发生在同一天对吗?
lulupig77 发表于 2022-08-12 17:02