maomao12 发表于 1/12/2016 7:19:10 PM [url=][/url]
maomao12 发表于 1/12/2016 7:19:10 PM [url=][/url]
绝对的,一点都没危言耸听。re Thank you LZ for share this article.
vic3128 发表于 1/13/2016 1:00:20 AM [url=][/url]
回复 [url=]30楼Dandan1987的帖子[/url]我也觉得很郁闷,我爸的牙齿长得超级整齐,我说我怎么没遗传到这个优点。我从小就有鼻炎,附近有个造纸厂,长期污染空气
clearcrystal88 发表于 1/12/2016 5:42:22 PM [url=][/url]
irene 发表于 1/13/2016 12:33:05 PM [url=][/url]
Long Jaw, Long Face Syndrome or Adenoid Face
A child who is not able to breathe through the nose will never be healthy. Second, the maxillary bone ( upper jaw) should be expanded and displaced forward in the face to make a place for the tongue. The tongue widens the upper airways, to improve the facial appearance and correct or prevent the malocclusion. All these children have narrow and backward position of the maxillary bone due to long term mouth breathing. Third, the tone of the masticatory muscles should be improved to help the children keep their mouth closed. This bad oral posture (open mouth) is the main cause of the facial and dental change in children (adenoid face). This facial and dental correction should be done in early age ( from 6 to 8 years) to prevent surgery and unsuccessful orthodontic treatment.
An Open Mouth-Lips Apart contributes to a low forward tongue posture. Chronic mouth breathers tend to bring their head forward in front of their shoulders and tilted back to maintain an open airway (Forward Head Posture and Forward Shoulder Posture). Some call this a Long Jaw or Long Face Syndrome or Adenoid Face.
The adenoids are similar to the tonsils and are located in the back of the throat.
When the adenoids become enlarged, children are forced to breathe with an open mouth. Their facial appearance changes with an Open Mouth Posture.
Common features of an adenoid face include:
A simple answer is muscle memory and habit.
Since the facial bones are still developing, the facial muscles develop, adapt and function improperly around this abnormal open mouth posture. Children develop improper muscle patterns around an inability to breathe through their nose.
Children not able to breathe properly, grow and develop with an imbalance of their facial muscles. They have a comprised ability to use their nose that affects basic human functions, chewing, drinking, swallowing food, saliva, and proper breathing.
Only nasal breathing will maintain this proper oral posture and therefore, ideal facial growth.
Certain facial features will be permanent into their adult years without oromyology therapy.
These facial features of an Open Mouth-Lips Apart will follow them into adulthood. It is important to understand the powerful force of this improper muscle growth affecting their confidence & self esteem from childhood into adult years.
Over time these physical changes occur and the facial features may be permanently altered.
Success can be achieved for all children, the sooner, the better. These symptoms are avoided with earlier therapy in orofacial myology.
I also work with adults who did not have orofacial myology therapy in childhood. They all wish their parents had addressed their oromyology disorder when they were young.
With adults, orofacial myology can still be very beneficial and successful. A noticeable improvement occurs once a normal rest position and function are achieved. Although the facial features cannot change as drastically as in children, a clear difference is seen once normal rest position and function occur.
Making a change to nasal breathing will change the adult or child s life in every way. Treatment for children ages 3 to 12 is uniquely suited to encourage favorable growth of the jaw and face.
Contact me today for an assessment for you or your child.