Instagram 的贴不上来,油管找的,他演奏自己跳过的曲子。
Instagram 的贴不上来,油管找的,他演奏自己跳过的曲子。
这一次rocketman的踩点实在是太好看了 原来他赛前有被修改这些动作怎么放头怎么放手才能让program看起来更艺术性
我最喜欢Nathan Philip Glass的program 他跳这种迷幻类型的曲风很适合 从小音乐素养不是假的
这一次rocketman的踩点实在是太好看了 原来他赛前有被修改这些动作怎么放头怎么放手才能让program看起来更艺术性
我最喜欢Nathan Philip Glass的program 他跳这种迷幻类型的曲风很适合 从小音乐素养不是假的
Tofuthedog 发表于 2022-02-19 11:08
是的,我回看了很多遍,rocket man合乐非常非常棒
萱羽忘忧 发表于 2022-02-19 10:15
seven77seven 发表于 2022-02-19 09:38
有次陈巍发了一张跟关颖珊的合影,用了两只山羊EMOJI. 羽生粉不干了:你也配用山羊? 害得陈巍出面解释两只山羊都是指关,因为一只不足以表示敬意。
这一次rocketman的踩点实在是太好看了 原来他赛前有被修改这些动作怎么放头怎么放手才能让program看起来更艺术性
我最喜欢Nathan Philip Glass的program 他跳这种迷幻类型的曲风很适合 从小音乐素养不是假的
Tofuthedog 发表于 2022-02-19 11:08
Massimo Scali 是曾经Alysa的教练,不少人觉得是他和Jeremy让Alysa有了去年脱胎换骨变化。Alysa这个赛季的两套节目都是他编舞。Scali奥运前不到3个月被Alysa炒掉,Nathan11月底左右决定换回火箭人决定找Scali合作。Scali based在北加,疫情期间北加lockdown时期带着Alysa到处找冰场训练。他这次是帮Nathan忙,去了南加。应该不会投奔Raf, Raf本人都打算半退休。
这是Nathan拿金牌之后 phil写的Scali同Nathan合作的文章. Scali被炒掉之后有些心情不好,就在那个时候
"Said Scali: "I told him I wouldn’t have done this for anyone else. I wasn’t in a mood to keep working this season. The call brought me back something positive, some light. I was so honored he called."'
Scali began this recent collaboration with Chen at the end of November. They worked together two or three days a week for several weeks. During the two weeks before Chen left for the Olympics, Scali was at the practice rink in Irvine, California, every day.
Staying six feet away from each other, they concentrated on what Scali described as "basically everything that was about the component scores" in Chen’s long program to an Elton John medley. That included finding ways to get more flow from transitions, to have better flow into jumps, to add details in hand and head positions.
"With Nathan, we’re talking just about little things," Scali said. "He has the rest."
It also meant emphasizing look and feeling in each section of the program.
"It’s really important to have your soul connected with what you’re doing," Scali said. "I think he had lost a little of the intensity of that connection. We gave the long (program) the soul he wasn’t feeling."
"We went through a lot of moments getting his movement and expression and emotion to do what the music was saying."
Scali was delighted to see Chen in the Olympic long program doing the things they had worked on. Some were subtle, some as striking as Chen executing both the quadruple flip and triple toeloop of his big initial jumping pass on consecutive powerful beats in the music.
"He hit every accent we were working on," Scali said. "That connection with the music on the right beat helps the program make sense, and it all goes into the eyes of the people watching and, of course, of the judges. It gives the feeling, 'I know what I’m skating to, and I bring my soul and emotion to the movement.'"
The result was the highest total program component score of Chen’s career.
Scali said he absolutely does not want people to think he deserves substantial credit for Chen’s brilliant skating at the Olympics. Yet it was Chen who revealed Scali’s contribution.
"I was just happy and proud I could help him with anything he needed to feel ready for the Games," Scali said.
It was enough for him to see the skater’s face at the end of the long program. Chen smiled plenty.
有次陈巍发了一张跟关颖珊的合影,用了两只山羊EMOJI. 羽生粉不干了:你也配用山羊? 害得陈巍出面解释两只山羊都是指关,因为一只不足以表示敬意。
chatchat 发表于 2022-02-19 11:51
seven77seven 发表于 2022-02-19 12:04
真正敢自称山羊的只有C罗一个。所以有漫画讽刺他:他和梅西一起吃饭。梅西点了羊肉,他说:DON'T EAT ME!
真正敢自称山羊的只有C罗一个。所以有漫画讽刺他:他和梅西一起吃饭。梅西点了羊肉,他说:DON'T EAT ME!
chatchat 发表于 2022-02-19 12:09
seven77seven 发表于 2022-02-19 12:13
seven77seven 发表于 2022-02-19 12:13
跟羽生粉不一样,梅粉多是男生。 不过两边粉丝打架也蛮像的。
Rocketman的编舞,hip hop部分是蒙提利尔冰舞大本营的编舞是Sam Chouinard,最近的Dance Magazine对他的采访中提到Nathan的部分
This guy is a genius, he’s just so brilliant. For sure, we wanted to bring the party vibe out of this program. It’s the Olympics—you want to make people feel something. When you know your competitors, if you want to stand out, you need to think differently.
他也是2018/19赛季Land of All的最后那部分choreo sequence的编舞。这是18年Nathan初次找他们合作后他提到Nathan
”SC: This year, Nathan Chen wanted to work with us, which is amazing, because he’s really cool. He’s a hard worker and he is a good technician. He’s good artist too, but he’s missing some more dance stuff, so I think it’s a good combination with me and Marie-France. The program is done and it looks really cool. I’m excited. It’s something that people are going to talk about for a long time.“
Like with Nathan Chen, he came for 3 days and after that, the program was done. Now it’s just fine-tuning it, but he has everything. When he’s going to come back, we’ll see how it has evolved and the speed and what can we take out and tighten up. The skaters trust us completely. They do what we ask them and if there is something uncomfortable, they manifest it, but we’re pretty good to see it, so if it doesn’t feel right, we change it.
真正敢自称山羊的只有C罗一个。所以有漫画讽刺他:他和梅西一起吃饭。梅西点了羊肉,他说:DON'T EAT ME!
chatchat 发表于 2022-02-19 12:09
这个楼是每天能让我开心和看到希望的一个地方。感谢这个世界上有Nathan Chen这么美好的孩子。
ontheedge 发表于 2022-02-19 12:43
真正敢自称山羊的只有C罗一个。所以有漫画讽刺他:他和梅西一起吃饭。梅西点了羊肉,他说:DON'T EAT ME!
chatchat 发表于 2022-02-19 12:09
ukulele 发表于 2022-02-19 13:22
Nathan gala排练的时候好像又和Keegan做了个SBS 后空翻。楼里有能看咪咕的吗?咪咕关于天天排练的视频,天天在做旋转,背景中Nathan和Keegan滑过去准备SBS backflip
他两人21年skate Canada的就一起嗨过一次