我记得他以前在视频里说过 回不去了 所以才会大胆的说
我记得他以前在视频里说过 回不去了 所以才会大胆的说
王在视频里,故意没有说全真相,故意隐藏这个科学目的:“提取血浆,其他注射回去,是为了 献血者更快恢复。” 而是故意重复多次地突出,渎职工作人员的 通俗表达为欺骗话术,故意恶化丑化 这个做法的合理性科学性。(这种歪曲报道的技艺,我们还见得少了么?)
国家卫健委组织专家修订形成了《献血浆者须知(2021年版)》: https://csbt.org.cn/plus/view.php?aid=92493
Stanford 也支持只捐献“血浆”,而不是“全血”。
Plasma — Stanford Blood Center https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/plasma/
What is plasma used for? Much like platelets, plasma helps to induce clotting and control bleeding. However, it does this through different mechanisms and many of the clotting factors found in plasma are made from the liver. Therefore, although both plasma and platelets both help to control bleeding, they are sometimes used for different patient populations, depending on what the patient’s underlying disease.
How long does donating plasma take? Donations are made using an apheresis (automated blood collection) process, and take 45-50 minutes.
How often can I donate plasma? You can donate plasma every four weeks. However, there is a limit to only 12 plasma donations each year.
Is there any special preparation required to donate plasma? To donate plasma, please remember to increase fluid and calcium intake, as well as iron.
Is plasma type-specific? Yes, plasma is transfused to patients based on blood type, so we categorize plasma as type A, B, O or AB. Since type AB is universal plasma, meaning it can be transfused to any patient, we are always looking for more plasma donors with AB- or AB+ blood type. We are also currently growing our A plasma donor program.
Where can I donate plasma? Plasma donations are accepted at all three of our donor centers.
How do I make an appointment to donate? To make an appointment to donate plasma, give us a call at 650-723-7831.
红十字会 就明确说明 采用高科技设备 提取血浆后,其余的会 “then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you”
What is AB Elite Plasma Donation?
During a plasma-only donation, blood is drawn from one arm and sent through a high-tech machine that collects your plasma and then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you, along with some saline. It takes only a few minutes longer than donating blood but can have a profound impact.
B777 发表于 2023-12-12 21:29
“高耀洁医生的去世上了知乎热榜,不出意外莉卡酱又被阴阳了,有些评论真的有点过分,说他的猝然去世真是苍天有眼,幸灾乐祸之情溢于言表。 关于这个事情我主要看了维基百科、油管和零几年的一些文章,感觉李在其中问题不是很大。 1.河南血祸的始作俑者是时任省委书记李长春和卫生厅厅长刘全喜等。李克强1998年从共青团中央空降到河南之前艾滋病已过潜伏期,当时的形势已经相当严峻了。可以说李就是去收拾烂摊子的。 2.还有一种攻讦的论调就是李为河南血患掩盖丑闻,并迫害高耀洁医生。前者来源于维基百科,但其他的来源暂时没找到;至于后者,高耀洁好像自己在文章和采访中就否认了这一点,甚至她对李的评价还不错,认为他没什么官腔、为人随和。”
huarihuang 发表于 2023-12-12 22:32
王在视频里,故意没有说全真相,故意隐藏这个科学目的:“提取血浆,其他注射回去,是为了 献血者更快恢复。” 而是故意重复多次地突出,渎职工作人员的 通俗表达为欺骗话术,故意恶化丑化 这个做法的合理性科学性。(这种歪曲报道的技艺,我们还见得少了么?)
国家卫健委组织专家修订形成了《献血浆者须知(2021年版)》: https://csbt.org.cn/plus/view.php?aid=92493
Stanford 也支持只捐献“血浆”,而不是“全血”。
Plasma — Stanford Blood Center https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/plasma/
What is plasma used for? Much like platelets, plasma helps to induce clotting and control bleeding. However, it does this through different mechanisms and many of the clotting factors found in plasma are made from the liver. Therefore, although both plasma and platelets both help to control bleeding, they are sometimes used for different patient populations, depending on what the patient’s underlying disease.
How long does donating plasma take? Donations are made using an apheresis (automated blood collection) process, and take 45-50 minutes.
How often can I donate plasma? You can donate plasma every four weeks. However, there is a limit to only 12 plasma donations each year.
Is there any special preparation required to donate plasma? To donate plasma, please remember to increase fluid and calcium intake, as well as iron.
Is plasma type-specific? Yes, plasma is transfused to patients based on blood type, so we categorize plasma as type A, B, O or AB. Since type AB is universal plasma, meaning it can be transfused to any patient, we are always looking for more plasma donors with AB- or AB+ blood type. We are also currently growing our A plasma donor program.
Where can I donate plasma? Plasma donations are accepted at all three of our donor centers.
How do I make an appointment to donate? To make an appointment to donate plasma, give us a call at 650-723-7831.
红十字会 就明确说明 采用高科技设备 提取血浆后,其余的会 “then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you”
What is AB Elite Plasma Donation?
During a plasma-only donation, blood is drawn from one arm and sent through a high-tech machine that collects your plasma and then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you, along with some saline. It takes only a few minutes longer than donating blood but can have a profound impact.
B777 发表于 2023-12-12 21:29
全组 ,欺上瞒下,还使用媒体爆料的特权到处敲诈!使用特权,还有过胆子大到,去军队体系里吃拿卡要。号称,“用特权,才能反特权”。
B777 发表于 2023-12-12 22:01
似曾相识的套路:在难以反驳对方观点时,只能攻击“私德” 以搞臭这个人降低其credibility…
王在视频里,故意没有说全真相,故意隐藏这个科学目的:“提取血浆,其他注射回去,是为了 献血者更快恢复。” 而是故意重复多次地突出,渎职工作人员的 通俗表达为欺骗话术,故意恶化丑化 这个做法的合理性科学性。(这种歪曲报道的技艺,我们还见得少了么?)
国家卫健委组织专家修订形成了《献血浆者须知(2021年版)》: https://csbt.org.cn/plus/view.php?aid=92493
Stanford 也支持只捐献“血浆”,而不是“全血”。
Plasma — Stanford Blood Center https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/plasma/
What is plasma used for? Much like platelets, plasma helps to induce clotting and control bleeding. However, it does this through different mechanisms and many of the clotting factors found in plasma are made from the liver. Therefore, although both plasma and platelets both help to control bleeding, they are sometimes used for different patient populations, depending on what the patient’s underlying disease.
How long does donating plasma take? Donations are made using an apheresis (automated blood collection) process, and take 45-50 minutes.
How often can I donate plasma? You can donate plasma every four weeks. However, there is a limit to only 12 plasma donations each year.
Is there any special preparation required to donate plasma? To donate plasma, please remember to increase fluid and calcium intake, as well as iron.
Is plasma type-specific? Yes, plasma is transfused to patients based on blood type, so we categorize plasma as type A, B, O or AB. Since type AB is universal plasma, meaning it can be transfused to any patient, we are always looking for more plasma donors with AB- or AB+ blood type. We are also currently growing our A plasma donor program.
Where can I donate plasma? Plasma donations are accepted at all three of our donor centers.
How do I make an appointment to donate? To make an appointment to donate plasma, give us a call at 650-723-7831.
红十字会 就明确说明 采用高科技设备 提取血浆后,其余的会 “then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you”
What is AB Elite Plasma Donation?
During a plasma-only donation, blood is drawn from one arm and sent through a high-tech machine that collects your plasma and then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you, along with some saline. It takes only a few minutes longer than donating blood but can have a profound impact.
B777 发表于 2023-12-12 21:29
说高耀洁被过誉的人, 难道都不想想, 她所承受的压力, 来自一个强大政权的压力, 对她的软肋进行的压力?
仅仅就说她做了什么? 顶住压力说她认为的真话, 怎么都不过誉, 尤其这个压力可以说是非常非常大。
bogey 发表于 2023-12-12 21:29
那个周周侃, 沈度 应该就是回国以后不见了吧。
王在视频里,故意没有说全真相,故意隐藏这个科学目的:“提取血浆,其他注射回去,是为了 献血者更快恢复。” 而是故意重复多次地突出,渎职工作人员的 通俗表达为欺骗话术,故意恶化丑化 这个做法的合理性科学性。(这种歪曲报道的技艺,我们还见得少了么?)
国家卫健委组织专家修订形成了《献血浆者须知(2021年版)》: https://csbt.org.cn/plus/view.php?aid=92493
Stanford 也支持只捐献“血浆”,而不是“全血”。
Plasma — Stanford Blood Center https://stanfordbloodcenter.org/plasma/
What is plasma used for? Much like platelets, plasma helps to induce clotting and control bleeding. However, it does this through different mechanisms and many of the clotting factors found in plasma are made from the liver. Therefore, although both plasma and platelets both help to control bleeding, they are sometimes used for different patient populations, depending on what the patient’s underlying disease.
How long does donating plasma take? Donations are made using an apheresis (automated blood collection) process, and take 45-50 minutes.
How often can I donate plasma? You can donate plasma every four weeks. However, there is a limit to only 12 plasma donations each year.
Is there any special preparation required to donate plasma? To donate plasma, please remember to increase fluid and calcium intake, as well as iron.
Is plasma type-specific? Yes, plasma is transfused to patients based on blood type, so we categorize plasma as type A, B, O or AB. Since type AB is universal plasma, meaning it can be transfused to any patient, we are always looking for more plasma donors with AB- or AB+ blood type. We are also currently growing our A plasma donor program.
Where can I donate plasma? Plasma donations are accepted at all three of our donor centers.
How do I make an appointment to donate? To make an appointment to donate plasma, give us a call at 650-723-7831.
红十字会 就明确说明 采用高科技设备 提取血浆后,其余的会 “then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you”
What is AB Elite Plasma Donation?
During a plasma-only donation, blood is drawn from one arm and sent through a high-tech machine that collects your plasma and then safely and comfortably returns your red cells and platelets back to you, along with some saline. It takes only a few minutes longer than donating blood but can have a profound impact.
B777 发表于 2023-12-12 21:29