ontheedge 发表于 2022-04-28 13:15
ontheedge 发表于 2022-04-28 13:15
they two are so cute !!
18年的Ice8分53秒纪念DenisTu Sei环节中紧接着Dima出现超级delicate, soft但是又powerful的Nathan,整个Denis纪念环节大概7分多钟开始。
之前From Now on和Nathan一起的是大家口中的沃帅,曾经也是Raf的学生。
Nathan被要求穿Prince Ignor的考斯滕,那件考斯滕之前已经进入冰协还是OTC的博物馆
Ice的群舞环节虽然不怎样,但是那年给Nathan的靠斯滕都挺好看,Nathan,Shoma, 天天三人环节都青春无敌,Nathan每场不是去拨弄Shoma的头发,就是没刹住动作挽住了Shoma的胳膊,导致当时有截图旁白是Nathan问Shoma要不要和他一起去耶鲁
The Ice的Carava应该是史上最快乐的Caravan,带着一点点童真,之后赛季开始除去SA之外再也看不到最初那个无忧无虑,尽情自high的Caravan。他奥运gala滑的我拒绝承认那是他的节目
这个视频里还有一点点他们出去玩的镜头。那年Nathan, Mariah, Alina, Dima常在一起玩,但是日方主打Shoma 和Alina,所以没有四个人一起玩的镜头。那年Ice 一结束,Alina立刻follow了Mariah
结尾绕场的Masaru Dance,就是Nathan IG上和Alina 一起比划动作的那个
with timestamp 8''''53"
“Currently, Chen says that New Haven, Conn., where he attends Yale University, is home base. “I just gave up my apartment in Orange County so I don’t really have a home,” he says.
[url] https://www.forbes.com/sites/shivanivora/2022/04/28/olympic-champion-figure-skater-nathan-chen-on-all-things-travel/?sh=60c5de8e5237 [/url]
What’s your vacation spot of choice?
Honestly, I have never taken a trip that’s pure vacation. It’s something that I want to change this year though. I want to go Greece, Hawaii, Southeast Asia. The list is long.
Hawaii is interesting because I was there once on a layover and had eight hours to explore. I wanted to see more. I loved the ocean and ate some great poke. For Greece, I am interested in the architecture and landscape. And Southeast Asia seems very intriguing.
Alysa 在直播里说Nathan got them the Disney tour for FREE! Nathan还带她去museum。这个大哥哥实在太好了。然后Jason跑过来说Alysa好厉害,不但记住自己的choreography, 还记得其他所有人的。她才16岁已经是world medalist 而且已经高中毕业了。
Alysa 在直播里说Nathan got them the Disney tour for FREE! Nathan还带她去museum。这个大哥哥实在太好了。然后Jason跑过来说Alysa好厉害,不但记住自己的choreography, 还记得其他所有人的。她才16岁已经是world medalist 而且已经高中毕业了。
ontheedge 发表于 2022-04-28 19:43
lulupig77 发表于 2022-04-28 20:24
[url] https://www.newsday.com/entertainment/nathan-chen-ubs-arena-b21g368b [/url]
“Currently, Chen says that New Haven, Conn., where he attends Yale University, is home base. “I just gave up my apartment in Orange County so I don’t really have a home,” he says.
[url] https://www.forbes.com/sites/shivanivora/2022/04/28/olympic-champion-figure-skater-nathan-chen-on-all-things-travel/?sh=60c5de8e5237 [/url]
What’s your vacation spot of choice?
Honestly, I have never taken a trip that’s pure vacation. It’s something that I want to change this year though. I want to go Greece, Hawaii, Southeast Asia. The list is long.
Hawaii is interesting because I was there once on a layover and had eight hours to explore. I wanted to see more. I loved the ocean and ate some great poke. For Greece, I am interested in the architecture and landscape. And Southeast Asia seems very intriguing.
娇韵诗 发表于 2022-04-28 16:58
听起来有点可怜啊,回耶鲁前几个月就拖着一个箱子四处流浪吗。 所以他去日本前消失的两个星期在忙着搬家吗
听起来有点可怜啊,回耶鲁前几个月就拖着一个箱子四处流浪吗。 所以他去日本前消失的两个星期在忙着搬家吗
ukulele 发表于 2022-04-28 20:55