上次有MM问off ice training,这里有篇off ice training关于对花滑的文章,文章最后提到了warm up and cooling down, 没记错的话,Nathan和Lilah 19年那个访谈问答的方式好像用了warm up and cool down的形容。那个访谈很好玩,建议有时间自己听不要看文字,最后推荐书的部分展示了Nathan提到自己哭了,这可能是我记忆中他除了3岁半那次采访,唯一一次提到自己哭。
Warming up and cooling down before and after an on-ice practice is equally as important as a regimented off-ice training plan. Before taking the ice, be sure to spend some time loosening up the body so your muscles are ready to skate, and after your practice, stretch your muscles while they are still warm. This will help you prevent injury by taking the ice with “cold” muscles.
[url] https://risonline.org/why-off-ice-training-is-important-for-figure-skaters/ [/url]