You seem to be living fine with your low iq and dirty mouth. Is that for kpi? lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-28 00:50
You seem to be living fine with your low iq and dirty mouth. Is that for kpi? lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-28 00:50
You seem to be living fine with your low iq and dirty mouth. Is that for kpi? lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-28 00:50
Dog/pig might have the wrong idea that someone abandoned their own kids, which is not true in this case. It is simply because your iq is too low, such that your emotion kicked in before your iq worked, lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-27 00:46
你才需要去proof 她没质疑DNA。不过杜新枝谎话张口就来。你就算把她当时说的话录下来了。人家想不承认,就说你恶意剪辑。
SophieHo 发表于 2021-10-28 11:03
Nope, this is what you said "她先在法院质疑自己和姚策的DNA". Nobody needs to prove it for you. If this is too hard for you to understand, let's say someone might have said you are a dog, now you prove you are or you are not. Simple! right? lol
Purified 发表于 2021-10-28 11:15
I don't have to, as it was not me who claimed "她先在法院质疑自己和姚策的DNA"
You cant even run such a simple logic? Seriously, have your iq tested. You probably need professional help. lol
Purified 发表于 2021-10-28 11:17
wow, no idea why you want to curse your family so hard. That is kinda harsh, lol
panduolaa 发表于 2021-10-28 11:22
You don't mind being stupid, I don't mind making fun of you. lol
你现在为老杜洗白 你已经把你全家至于万劫不复之地了
还有脸诅咒别人 先担心担心自己吧
Purified 发表于 2021-10-28 12:21
Learn to read, learn to reason with logic. Have your iq tested, find some professional help. Thank me later. lol
tyjz 发表于 2021-10-28 13:08
If you have enough iq to understand anything other than your filthy mouth and low iq, you can probably learn more, but you don't. lol
alemon 发表于 2021-10-28 20:01
I like the way you demonstrate your iq. lol
hint: the above sentence is probably not a compliment.
You don't mind being stupid, I don't mind making fun of you. lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-29 01:52
你把找骂叫making fun。这境界我们正常eq的人都理解不了。你以为是在秀自己的高iq,以为别人都在嫉妒你。其实暴露的是自己的低eq,别人都在嘲笑你
If you have enough iq to understand anything other than your filthy mouth and low iq, you can probably learn more, but you don't. lol
fntan 发表于 2021-10-29 01:58
你的iq是不是指“idiot quotient”,论这个"iq",你确实无人能及,我们甘拜下风 lol
SophieHo 发表于 2021-10-25 14:11
最有力量的反击还是在于姚威。 姚威跟许大妈亲近,孝顺,许大妈就值了,失而复得的儿子。杜大妈就跟亲媳妇狗咬狗去。
你把找骂叫making fun。这境界我们正常eq的人都理解不了。你以为是在秀自己的高iq,以为别人都在嫉妒你。其实暴露的是自己的低eq,别人都在嘲笑你
panduolaa 发表于 2021-10-29 14:10
You are the one who has a filthy mouth, aka 骂. Probably being a little civilized is very hard for you. If you want to shit in street, not my problem.
回复 291楼fntan的帖子大姐,你真的应该看看医生,三观有偏差不算,对iq有一种疯狂的执念。
alemon 发表于 2021-10-29 15:19
Not really, but watching low iq folks with filthy mouth is kinda fun, lol
你的iq是不是指“idiot quotient”,论这个"iq",你确实无人能及,我们甘拜下风 lol
tyjz 发表于 2021-10-29 15:56
If you don't know what commonly known as 'iq', that is because you do not have it. lol. If you are smart enough to be confident about your own words, you don't curse anyone. It is as simple as that. If you still cannot understand, try make your mouth a little less filthy then there might be some elementary teacher willing to teach you this very basic logic.
最有力量的反击还是在于姚威。 姚威跟许大妈亲近,孝顺,许大妈就值了,失而复得的儿子。杜大妈就跟亲媳妇狗咬狗去。
Rachel1205 发表于 2021-10-30 01:04
So even this xuwei doesn't care to do what you want. And this does not ring a bell to you at all. lol
You are the one who has a filthy mouth, aka 骂. Probably being a little civilized is very hard for you. If you want to shit in street, not my problem.
fntan 发表于 2021-10-31 01:26
If you don't know what commonly known as 'iq', that is because you do not have it. lol. If you are smart enough to be confident about your own words, you don't curse anyone. It is as simple as that. If you still cannot understand, try make your mouth a little less filthy then there might be some elementary teacher willing to teach you this very basic logic.
fntan 发表于 2021-10-31 01:30
你这种uncommon的人,怎么能用common iq, 真有common iq,又怎么会蠢到说出curse这种话?