关于Chess,他哥哥姐姐都是到处比赛那种级别,所以他一直觉得家里垫底吧。他10岁的日记里还提到chess. 他小时候盐湖城的一个教练说他下的还好,还说他做什么都做的很好的那种孩子。这段世2月GQ magazine提到的
Chen says they're a “huge chess family,” and he tries to apply the lessons he's learned from the game daily: how “being in a highly emotional state” won't help solve a problem; how even when things don't look great on the board, you figure out the best way forward. And where does he place in the Chen family chess rankings? “Oh, dude, I'm on the bottom,” he says. No matter: He might soon be the only one to own Olympic gold.
娇韵诗 发表于 2022-03-01 21:08