zhaoxiaoxi 发表于 2022-02-26 16:43
有的人是真见不得别人好,别人好就眼红,别人不好就幸灾乐祸。我有时候没有办法理解,然后看看国内很多如今俄罗斯乌克兰的言论,真的就这样子的,人性里这些扭曲的、恶的一面完全dominate. 太糟糕了。
“The nasty hateful comments towards Nathan are really sad. Who watches a video of something they clearly dislike and comments about how much they dislike it? There are really a bunch of weirdos in this world.”
“Fanyus don't have to insinuate that your idol is superior to Nathan while keep coming on Nathan's videos and make comparisons between these two top skaters of totally different styles. Seriously!!!! You don't have to do so. Comparing them nonstop and repeating how great Hanyu is , specifically under each of Nathan's videos, is another way to tell people how insecure you are because their track records just show the opposite.
A realistic reminder: Hanyu has been on a losing streak to Nathan since 2018 Olympics. Stop being hyped about Nathan's loss as if Hanyu finally beat up Nathan. Lol.. Hanyu's technical content revealed at the most recent 2021 Japan Nationals did not imply any improvement either with that failed attempt of 4A. It's good he finally skated clean. But that's it! With only 4S and 4T, Hanyu didn't show case any stronger technical points. Besides, it would be nicer of you to just appreciate Nathan's performance under his vids without raving your idol to the moon. What are you trying to say so desperately?
I don't care a bit about fanyus. But I definitely wouldn't mind mocking them back if they start dissing Nathan again. Want respect? Then show your online etiquette as a fellow human being first! Three years passed and they still haven't got over the losing streak of their idol. What an obsessed league! Lol...”