搜搜新闻到处都有,瑞典的病例还在持续上升,他们自己可是相当不乐观,奇怪某些人怎么这么喜欢举瑞典做例子,他们在新冠防疫上做的差极了, 就为了反口罩?
Sweden has been scrambling to get its rising cases under control for several weeks now. In December, the government issued its first recommendation to wear face masks — a topic that was largely taboo in the country.
One month later, Sweden closed its borders with neighboring countries Norway and Denmark and also introduced a law that would allow the government to close restaurants, shops, and public transport to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Measures were tightened even further this week, when Lofven announced that as of March 1, restaurants and cafés which do not serve alcohol will have to close at 8.30 pm and that there will be a limit on the number of people allowed in shops and gyms.
Mintcafe 发表于 2021-03-03 01:39
回复 6楼potatoball的帖子[/url]希望疫苗速度能跟上。 我们还是继续家里蹲吧。 排队很长。
3月11日开始各大药房开放疫苗接种,免费。预约网址如下。Starting from March 11, covid-19 vaccine will be available free in Walmart, CVS and Walgreens for all American families. Please check following sties to make an appointment.
前两天UT Austin网站bug,我们好多人预约了,结果说不能打给取消了。 只能再等等。
peekston 发表于 2021-03-02 15:41
不想戴的。。。上周我去CITY吃饭 都看见路上几个人没带啊 而且都是看起来非常正常的年轻/中年人 不是什么homeless啊 不学无术闲逛那种
搜搜新闻到处都有,瑞典的病例还在持续上升,他们自己可是相当不乐观,奇怪某些人怎么这么喜欢举瑞典做例子,他们在新冠防疫上做的差极了, 就为了反口罩?
Sweden has been scrambling to get its rising cases under control for several weeks now. In December, the government issued its first recommendation to wear face masks — a topic that was largely taboo in the country.
One month later, Sweden closed its borders with neighboring countries Norway and Denmark and also introduced a law that would allow the government to close restaurants, shops, and public transport to combat the spread of COVID-19.
Measures were tightened even further this week, when Lofven announced that as of March 1, restaurants and cafés which do not serve alcohol will have to close at 8.30 pm and that there will be a limit on the number of people allowed in shops and gyms.
Mintcafe 发表于 2021-03-03 01:39
north dakota, south dakota去年和fauci刚了一年,
underdoc 发表于 2021-03-02 17:06
这些傻X ,应该给他们看看中国微博之夜的明星们,身穿锦衣华服,在台下个个都戴口罩,全是身价上亿的人,比谁都怕死。口罩没用?
transient 发表于 2021-03-03 10:48
uneducated arrogance,洪波州特色
cactus_mei 发表于 2021-03-03 10:35
没放开。还是1a, 1b接种。 只是接种地点增加了
Geofan 发表于 2021-03-03 10:10
这样估计会加快herd immunity吧。 一边打疫苗, 一边大量感染