好几年前去过伦敦,有些记不清楚了,好像基本的都收吧?我们主要用charles Schwab 的卡因为没有额外手续费,好像是的。其它普通卡也可以用,好像其实手续费也不太高。不需要在美国换好英镑,可以过去再换,记得机场和市区热闹街上都有换的地方。不过印象是不要换太多,好像是直接用卡更划算,因为换来换去其实额外费用更高,换的时候就损失。先用卡试试了解一下,也换换试试比较一下就知道了。不过现在汇率可能不错,不知道是不是还这样。Have a good trip!
我用的chase sapphire. 不用太多现金。
blume2015 发表于 2022-11-24 23:13
mm 可以分享一下行程安排吗?也想年底去。你们是去多少天?
我去申请了一张BOA的travel reward credit card,没有年费,没有国外使用费。BOA网上申请的,马上approve了,2周之内会收到卡。
EU used to be very popular with chip & pin (more secure) payments instead of U.S.''''s chip & signature but EU has since learned to accept U.S. payments so mostly it is no longer an issue using U.S. CC in EU.
Just watch out for foreign transaction fees and DCC (Direct currency conversion, which gives you crappy exchange rate). Always use a CC without foreign transaction fees and always insist upon paying local currency (instead of USD). That will let your CC take care of the exchange rate instead of a local 3rd party. Of course if you have a chip and pin US CC then bring it alongand you should be all set without needing cash. Mind you chip & pin US CCs are rare. Out of many CCs I have, only Barclay''s American Airline CC has chip and pin.
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