有三张Amex Delta planitum信用卡送的companion certificates(机票买一送一,税需自付,必须是round-trip,出发和到达是美国本土48州和DC),每张$150。这两年都没坐飞机,今年估计也出去不了。三张都是2023年1月31日到期(travel date必须在到期日之前)。这里爱旅行的网友多,看看有没有人感兴趣。
Companion certificate is valid for one round-trip Main Cabin companion ticket with the payment of applicable taxes and fees detailed below and the purchase of certain adult round-trip fares on published routings within the 48 contiguous United States.
Residents of Hawaii, Alaska, Puerto Rico, or the U.S. Virgin Islands must originate from there to the 48 contiguous United States.
Booking Class: Seats are limited in L, U, T, X, V class of service.
All fare rules, restrictions, advance purchase requirements, and availability are per rule of Primary Ticket fare purchased.
Farebasis Code/Ticket Designator: Applicable fare basis code/NN3F (paid) SCMPL8/NN3F(companion)
Travel Dates: Travel must be completed by January 31, 2023
SkyMiles: Primary ticket will accrue miles. Companion ticket will not accrue miles.