虽然 布拉格, 维也纳也很美丽很美丽
回复 6楼Aldi的帖子啊,谢谢推荐,请问好玩在哪里呀
河边垂钓 发表于 2022-04-16 10:15
布拉格,是捷克的首都和最大城市、欧盟第十四大城市,和历史上波西米亚的首都,位于该国的中波希米亚州、伏尔塔瓦河流域。该市地处欧洲大陆的中心,在交通上一向拥有重要地位,与周边国家的联系也相当密切。2006年3月,布拉格的面积为496平方公里,人口为118.3万。 布拉格是一座欧洲历史名城。城堡始建于公元9世纪。
河边垂钓 发表于 2022-04-15 23:58
河边垂钓 发表于 2022-04-15 23:58
佛罗伦萨, 有时也按意大利文翻译成翡冷翠。是意大利中部托斯卡纳大区和佛罗伦萨省的首府,有366091人,是该地区面积最大、人口最多的城市,以及主要的历史、文化和商业中心。从该市延伸出去的佛罗伦萨-普拉托-皮斯托亚都会区共有1,506,098名居民。
Koleno (pork knuckle) is served on a wood cutting board with a serrated knife. They are roasted with herbs and dark beer for several hours, making it incredibly tender. Along with the pork knuckle are a dollop of house-made dipping sauce that complement the juicy pork.
In Prague, the portions are big. Expect an oversized bone-in chunk of meat that would easily feed two hearty eaters.
Pork is a favored meat in the Czech Republic. The second time I had koleno was on a Sunday afternoon in Prague at a restaurant where a group of over 20 local men were also dining. Everyone in the group had a koleno and multiple refills of beer.
After eating koleno twice, I understood why Tomas was salivating when he talked about it on my ride from the airport.
Like koleno, roast duck is another traditional dish found in traditional Czech restaurants. Usually, a quarter of a roasted duck comes with sides like cabbage and potato dumplings. The dumplings are drenched in the duck’s fatty sauce creating an outstanding flavor to satisfy even a picky eater like my sister.
The Czechs love their dumplings. Knedliky (as seen accompanying the roast duck in the picture above) is commonly served in a set of four or six with a meat dish. Knedliky’s history is deeply rooted in traditional Czech cuisine. It can be traced back to the 13th century when Rabbi Meir of Rothenburg referred to dumplings as Knodel and Kneydlekh in Yiddish. According to the book, Eat and Be Satisfied: A Social History of Jewish Food by John Cooper, the Yiddish “kneydlekh” derived from the Czech word knedliky for dumplings.
Knedliky tastes like gnocchi and is mainly made of bread or potato.
Svickova na smetane, or beef with creamy sauce, is a real crowd-pleaser, especially during the winter months. The knedliky soaked in creamy sauce and tenderloin beef is both nutritious and comforting.
Not every meal has to have meat. For a grab-and-go lunch, get bramborak or potato pancake. Czech’s potato pancakes are made with a unique blend of spices like marjoram. It’s a treat for vegetarians.
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